Molly At The Bottom


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
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I am concerned, one of my mollys is hovering around the bottom of the tank. She does not appear to have white spot or fin rot (the only two illnesses i know what to look for). She is normally swimming all over the tank, but all evening she has been sitting (just above the gravel) at the bottom of the tank.

Can anybody give me some ideas of what could be wrong/ what to check for?

Mollies can do this when they are pregnent,my mollie used to sit on a boat,then had babies and never done it again
Well she gave birth last month when we got her, but we only have two females, so i wouldnt have thought so.....but then again, i have heard that they can keep their pregnant state even after birth?!

She is sheltering under one of the ornaments just now
I think,if I remember from YEARS ago reading it,they store the man juices for a later date,so looks like you are gonna be a dad again! lol
That would be another unplanned pregnancy....should i be ashamed or proud? hehe.

Well, i think we only saved one, or possibly two (we only ever see one at any one time, but think it looks different each time) babies from the last time. IT is growing slowly and no longer gets chased by the others when it comes out of hiding.

I will reply if we have any babies and let you know what happens!

Thanks for your help

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