Mollie Lost Eye


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2012
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I believe my black mollie has lost an eye. or atleast she can not see out of that eye. the area on her eye is covered in white. at first i thought this was a fungus but now i'm not so sure.
it is hard to get a good look at her because she moves so much when i am around.

I have her in a 5 gal bucket with a heater and fungus meds and a little bit of melafix to help her heal.
i do believe she needs to be reintroduced with her 2 other female mollies because i added one into her bucket and when i fed them she was able to find food much easier by
following her buddy around.

i change my water frequently and test. the quality is not an issue. i keep the temp at around 83f / 28.33C

could this white on the eye be fungus or could this just be part of the healing process?

I have had fish that lost an eye. In my case it was an angel. What I found is that the fish swam a bit strangely, since angels orient to the sun as a vertical position but otherwise they did just fine.

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