Mollie Hybrid Breeding?


New Member
Dec 7, 2006
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:fish: I Wanted 2 know if u can breed together a dalmation mollie with a balloon mollie u c


yep! :good: all of the molly varieties will readily interbreed and most of the mollies bought in stores are already hybrids of the various wild molly species.

(FYI, typing an entire post in all capital letters is considered to be the internet equivalent of yelling. just as yelling out in a quiet room will earn you funny looks, most people on the internet don't like to read things written in all capital letters. :) just thought that i would let you know.)
The hybridization of Mollies just amazes me! I started with 4 Balloon mollies:

1 Black
1 White
1 Orange
1 Dalmation

I now have about 30 fry that are:
orange and white
orange and white dalmations
grey (not sure where that came frommm lol)
black with silver belly

The variations are just amazing! I plan to get some sailfin balloon mollies to add that into the mix!
I had some fry from a pregnant dalmation mollie, some were dalmation, some where pure white, some where pure black and I had afew that where golden :wub:
Yes! all mollies can interbreed. but first you should consider what to do with the fry, you could sell them to your local petstores and sell it to them and they might give you store credit.
Thanks for the tips you guys does anyone have any tips to encorage them to breed? It would really be helpful thanks
drop the temp in the tank a couple of degrees thn raise it back up
grey (not sure where that came frommm lol)

They're reverting to type. Wild mollies are greenish silver with orange and white speckles. Much prettier than any of the "fancy" varieties in my opinion. Anyway, if you keep a mish-mash of varieties, sooner or later you'll start getting more or less similar to wild-type mollies appearing.

Hybridising fancy mollies is all very well, but do bear in mind what you're going to do with the fry. Consider pedigree dogs and cats versus mongrels. Which are easier to sell? Aquarium shops don't really want mollies that don't look like any particular variety and can't be sold at a premium.


The hybridization of Mollies just amazes me! I started with 4 Balloon mollies:

1 Black
1 White
1 Orange
1 Dalmation

I now have about 30 fry that are:
orange and white
orange and white dalmations
grey (not sure where that came frommm lol)
black with silver belly

The variations are just amazing! I plan to get some sailfin balloon mollies to add that into the mix!

This technically isn't hybridization, just a study in coloration inheritance. All the mollies you have are most likely the same *species* (Poecilia latipinna), just different color morphs. Just like with cats, a longhaired tabby cat, a shorthaired calico, and even a hairless cat are all just color and coat variations of Felis silvestris catus, all these colors of balloon mollies are just morphs.

It is really fascinating how colors and patterns can show up, and how they're inherited and what's dominant or recessive, particularly in livebearers where there is so much variety in each species. However, it's a very different thing than crossbreeding two different species to see what results.
All of those are not true hybrids they all are the same species "sail fin mollies" poecilia latipinna

They aren't even from different subspecies

canis lupus (wolf) and c. l. familaris (dog) is not a hybrid but closer to it
This technically isn't hybridization, just a study in coloration inheritance. All the mollies you have are most likely the same *species* (Poecilia latipinna), just different color morphs. Just like with cats, a longhaired tabby cat, a shorthaired calico, and even a hairless cat are all just color and coat variations of Felis silvestris catus, all these colors of balloon mollies are just morphs.

It is really fascinating how colors and patterns can show up, and how they're inherited and what's dominant or recessive, particularly in livebearers where there is so much variety in each species. However, it's a very different thing than crossbreeding two different species to see what results.
You are completely right... it's amazing to see how much I've learned in just the past year!

As for my mollies, I have gotten some beautiful morphs going now:

I have some that are about 80% black, with speckles of bright orange and white throughout, and they have some sailfin mixed in, so the top fins are huge, and in between the "spines" in the dorsal fin, there are orange stripes - very cool looking! Now, I don't know if there is a specific name for these, but they really remind me of Tortoiseshell cats

I also have some "creamsicles" they are a light creamy orange on top, with white belly's ;)
Next step: get some lyretails into the mix....

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