while I and the rest of the mod team can appreciate the frustrations with the delays, you do have to realize it is a balancing act between giving the members freedoms and preventing the spammers from abusing it. Quite simply, without these controls in place, everyone would have gotten many many spam PMs and I don't think that anyone wants that, really. With the controls in place, only a very few members have gotten spam emails lately. and that is exactly what the delays were meant to do. So, for the moment, what we have now is probably going to stay because of the success we have been seeing. We are going to continue to tweak it here and there, but I cannot imagine it going away because it is very successful at preventing some of the big issue we've had in the past.
Unfortunately, this being such a big and active forum we attract a significant amount of spammers so this is just something we are all going to have to deal with.