You NEED a wired connection for online gaming.
With mobile/satellite, your pings will be horrible. At least 400ms, thats 0.4 of a second for your press of the button to be sent to the server, and then another 0.4 seconds for it to reply. So, every time you shoot an enemy, you'll actually be shooting where he was a second ago, and miss.
Open NAT is not needed nor does it make a difference, unless you're hosting the game.
With mobile/satellite, your pings will be horrible. At least 400ms, thats 0.4 of a second for your press of the button to be sent to the server, and then another 0.4 seconds for it to reply. So, every time you shoot an enemy, you'll actually be shooting where he was a second ago, and miss.
Open NAT is not needed nor does it make a difference, unless you're hosting the game.