Fish Addict
Ok I really have to stop planning this tank quite so much before I even get the tank 
Oh well
What sort of setups do people use for puffer tanks - substrate, plants etc. I would quite like to make it a fairly heavily planted tank with a few caves etc.
Are there any tank mates that can go with puffers without becoming lunch?
Tanks going to be a 3' with eheim ecco filter. About as far as I've got so far, will buy another air pump and probably a co2 generator for it.
Edit: Okies just read pinned - slaps myself, thats a lot of questions answered, any comments still appreciated
Oh well
What sort of setups do people use for puffer tanks - substrate, plants etc. I would quite like to make it a fairly heavily planted tank with a few caves etc.
Are there any tank mates that can go with puffers without becoming lunch?
Tanks going to be a 3' with eheim ecco filter. About as far as I've got so far, will buy another air pump and probably a co2 generator for it.
Edit: Okies just read pinned - slaps myself, thats a lot of questions answered, any comments still appreciated