Mmm, Which, Not Sure...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
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hey everyone.

I have been reading till my head is hurting about breeding. my dad did it 30 years ago and I think I got one of this gene's on the betta side of things. My mum is getting over me bring a new one/two home every week, LOL.

Anyways, I would like to breed some of my own. I have found two shops that will that some and I'm sure that I can display some at my parents shop for sale. I would also like to keep some of the females. But I know being my first time I'm going to be lucky to get many at all.

Between my sister, my boyfriend and myself I have a few guys to choose from. Could you please help me to choose which guys would go better together. Also, any tips on breeding and everything else please feel free.

I'm thinking about getting a Doubletail and a halfmoon this week or next.

I would love to try something weird. I was thinking about going crazy and going DT x CT for something weird to see what happens. But I'm unsure. I'm a big fan of colour. LOL.

Hope you understand what i'm trying to get at.

Thanks cheekysbabe.

Here are the guys...




(1.this guy has a white body now, not a blue body but is stil very lovely!)






And the girls...


Crowntail number 2 with female number 2 seems to be the best pairing as she looks to have crowntail genes, mixing tail types does not always produce desired results and it may be harder to shift fry, I do really like the look of crowntail number 3 though :good:
WOW! your bettas are lovely! they would all match id say.

what size tanks are they kept in? they look like beanie boxes.

Edit: your female #3 looks exactly like one of my females, i think they might be sisters. :lol:
Thanks everyone keep them coming.

All my bettas are kept in their own tanks. Size can be from 5-20L. I placed them into a photo tank for photos.

What happens if you mix a VT and CT??
i have recently had my first batch of betta fry and as i am doing it in my bedroom so i didnt think that was bad for a first time (i had about 100 fry). if you want my tip on betta breeding- dont treat the fish although they are just for breeding, treat as you would a normal fish and you will get happier couples and happier babies. also i pretty much did the opposite from what all the books and internet says- as in, where the internet says you shouldnt keep the female and male together until the last minute when the male has made a bubble nest, i just put the male and female together and waited, and my first fry took two weeks to come.!! aswell my couple i wasnt meant to be breeding they sort of wanted to so i let them get on with it. i now have my first lot of fry, two tanks with a male and a female in and each one has a humongous bubble nest in ( i think the males got a bit carried away.)
that is my hint on breeding bettas and if you have anymore questions or you want some pics then feel free to email me and ill answer all of you questions as best as i can.
hope this helped,
siobhan (englishbettas)
p.s. 13yr old betta breeder in bedroom with one lot of healthy fry so far!!!!!!! :p
WOW!! that is so cool. I cant wait to have my own little fry. Mine will be in the family room. So, everyone can keep an eye on them and not coming into my room all the time checking it out. I was going to let him get used to the tank for about half a day before I put her into it. Not sure whish way i'll go about it. Do you have picture's of when you first placed your bettas into the tank ( to see water levels)? How big is your tank? What are you fry?

Thanks cheekysbabe
WOW!! that is so cool. I cant wait to have my own little fry. Mine will be in the family room. So, everyone can keep an eye on them and not coming into my room all the time checking it out. I was going to let him get used to the tank for about half a day before I put her into it. Not sure whish way i'll go about it. Do you have picture's of when you first placed your bettas into the tank ( to see water levels)? How big is your tank? What are you fry?

Thanks cheekysbabe
hi i can take some pics of the pair im breeding at the moment and yes i would recommend letting him get used to the tank a day before putting the female in. having fry is a lot of work and can be a lot of money so beware lol :-D !! if you email me i will then send you some pics of whats going on and try to get some of the babies as well, i can also show you my males incredibly huge bubble nests! i have a medium sized tank approx 10-15L but only fill whatever tank you have with about 6 inches of water, make sure you have the tank at around 75-80 degrees f and no filtration or bubbles disturbing the surface of the tank. also i have got a few sort of floating plants in there aswell for the female to hide in.
as i said before if you would like me to send you naypics i can get or have any questions then just message me!
hope this is of more help,
There are web sites with genetic articles to explain how the different traits combine and the predicted out come of certain crosses. 2 & 1/2 years ago I got back into breeding Betta's. I started with a Red/White & blue Tri-colored Crowntailed male and a dark Green Double tailed female. I now have Gold and Red/Gold Dragon Super Deltas and Halfmoon Plakats. I don't know how so don't ask. But, I have to be careful and not breed Double tail to Double tail as it's supposed to be bad and get deformeties in the fry. So I breed single to double every other generation. Breeding Veil to CT will get a Veiled Crown tail, Double to Ct = Double Crowntail; Halfmoon X CT = Halfsun. If you want to know about the out come of crossing different strains and variations you can google Breeding Betta Fish and look through all the sites.
Thanks everyone.
I'm used to breeding horses which is a lot easier for me. As we have a horses stud.

I love the thought of DTCT. I have seen one picture and feel in love with them. But I post here and another site about how it would work and they said that I would have to get a CT with the DT gene. So, I'm thinking I'm going to go get myself a DT and give it ago. ????

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