mmm... rethinking my 5g plans


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
i visited an old Betta forum i was at, and found out that flex had passed through one of the members divided ten gallons (two of them!) and killed all six male Bettas in them. i'd prefer keeping a sick fish away from his 'friends', so instead i'm sticking to assorted gallon tanks for now.

until i figure they're too small...

anyway, i have a wedge-shaped Aquaview+, and a soon-to-be Aquaterium (round mini-tank) and an empty Mini-World. i'll be adding two gallon fish bowls to the menagerie soon.

to fill these bowls? some flat river rocks, many plants, caves (really, candle holders, but they make good caves =) and aluminum foil backdrops. the fish? a Lavender Butterfly boy, a Red boy with greenish side tints, the Ugly-Duckling i saw at the same LPS, and perhaps the other red/pink/blue/purple guy at my LPS.

they're making millions off me =)
holy ur gonna have a lot of bettas i'm jealous about the butterfly! :wub: i found a whiteish blue one yesterday......but i just can't handle anymore individual tanks.....i'll risk a possible disease......all my bettas r fine tho so nothing to worry about......btw what's flex? good luck with your bettas....r u gonna get a female? i really like the females just as much as the males :D

so how many bettas will u have?
hmm... i'm not sure exactly what flex is, i just know it's fast and deadly.

=) mm, yeah, i love the butterfly. i hope he's still there tomorrow -crosses fingers-
:D i hope so 2 he sounds super cute! i wish i could find i really nice different betta.....i luv all my guys but a really pretty one would b nice! 4 now tho i'm into gouramis! :wub: have fun with your boys........i c lot's of water changes in your future :lol:

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