Here is a funny picture of Snazzy, It show is personality!!
Him at the shows
Here is a pic of Maxine, Sparky and Pebbles. Pebbles is the small puppy in maxines legs. Sparky and Pebbles are basenji's, they yodel instead of bark. If Sparky wasnt an instigator and growl at Thor he would be living with me, But hes a brat so he lives at my moms. (sparky trys to attack thor, and when he does he can only take so much, so needless to say they cant be in the same room.

Here is Sparkys Yodeling face. LOL
From left to right. Tilly, Moew Moew, and Dodi. Moew Moew and Dodi are brothers, found them when we was buying hay for the horses, we was loading up a the truck and these little balls of fur came popping out the hay bale gaps.LOL Tilly was dropped of at the petstore when she was a kitten so they gave her to us.
This pic is Moew Moew so you can see his pretty blue eyes. He is all white with a grey tail, and a grease mark on his forehead,
This isnt a pet of ours but my mom found the cats playing with it. so my mom brought it inside and put it in a cage untill it got back to stregnth,poor little thing was pretty shocked from being beated around I think its a shrew LOL I didn't think we had shrew in Ohio?? but its still a cool picture.
ok Im tired, I found a new job and work 9-8 so im pretty tired i will post some more tommarow. im happy for the new job but, im still getting used to going to bed earlier LOL past few days i havent gone to bed till like 4:30am so i need try for a little sooner tonight LOL