MM, Bioballs


Sep 5, 2004
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Hey all,

This question is mainly to Navarre as I know he uses this, but all comments are welcome. Bear in mind I'm asking this from a "no-knowledge" point of view.

In the Miracle Mud thread, we discussed the sump tank and how Navarre's is split into sections. In one of the sections he has bioballs.

I was researching reefs today, and found the following URL linked from reef central as a recommended newbie resource:

In there is this quote:

There are also some things to avoid that can tend to impair the nitrate conversion process:

Do not use a wet/dry filter with biomedia such as bioballs. It has been established that these filters do a good job of converting wastes into nitrate, but their use tends to cause nitrates to accumulate in the system

Can someone enlighten me to the positive and negative points of bioballs and their opinion on the comments re: sand beds etc in that page? Thanks.
Bio balls in a wet/dry filter and not usually a good thing as they become a natrate factory (except large comercial systems). in MM sumps they are totaly submerged and so this isn't a problem. they are there to break up coarse particles and stop algae entering the pump as well as assisting in filtration.

ste :)
You are i ndeed right that bioballs do increase the nitrate production. HOwever, MM manufacturers recomend that bioballs aare used in their sumps :*)

The reason fir this i really am not 100% sure on. I have heard that it helps keep the macro algaes from growing into the other partitions and thus clogging the return pumps etc. I know that it also helps to reduce noise in the sump of water that is being returned to the sump. Other than this i really dont have a definateive answer for you sorry :sad: I use them and my nitrates are below 5 so i am happy that whatever job they are there for is actually performing well.

If i can find a more exact answer though i will post it here though :*)
I tested my peramters today. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate less than 5, Phosphates 0

The bioballs seem to be doing the job (whatever it is) and the nitrates arent rising.

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