
Well I just measure it out at 500grammes per 15litres, as it says on the bucket ;)
And I get perfect s.g. every time 1.024 :) I would say always follow the instructions on the packet, they made the stuff they should know what they are on about :) and if its too salty you know next time to put in just a bit less and so on.
Sorry to say but it isn't incorrect. If you would like to argue with a dictionary have at it. Liter Aluminum
You have just provided links to American dictionaries. If the Americans spell it wrong, then their dictionaries will have it as well, yes? I actually said it was the incorrect American spelling for it, meaning that the Americans have a different spelling which is incorrect in the rest of the world.

It was a little bit of fun pointing out that the Americans spell words differently to pretty much everyone else in the English speaking world. The word is litres (as it is a French term) though I was incorrect, it is not SI, just metric. The Americans, due to preferring a phonetic spelling system, reversed the r and the e. Just like Americans use "fall" as so few could probably spell "autumn".

*sigh* Americans have no sense of humour, or at least, no ability to find things funny if any fun is poked at them...


I love how that dictionary doesn't even recognise the alternate (more common and preferred) spellings. Fantastic!
Well I just measure it out at 500grammes per 15litres, as it says on the bucket ;)
And I get perfect s.g. every time 1.024 :) I would say always follow the instructions on the packet, they made the stuff they should know what they are on about :) and if its too salty you know next time to put in just a bit less and so on.

Yeah, that's what I do! a lot better than '1/2 cup per gallon'! :rolleyes:
The salinity is generally about 33 grams per litre, or 330 grams per 10 litres, it can vary from ocean to ocean.

Some metric kitchen scales should see you right, or you could get a digital scale....

In old money, that's um.....er........1 ounce = 28.35 grams...er, 1 litre(er) is um 4.54 gallons? or 3.83 gallons?, depends on which type of 'gallon' you like! :rolleyes: :lol: I assume this ounce is for dry weight, coz there's also an 'ounce' for liquids??? :blink: :/

Oh hang it......I can't cope with these daft oldie worldie imperial measurement systems!!!!! :blush:
Digital scales for the salt, and I have a large Mixing bucket (used for brewing in) that has all the measurments up the side. I just run off 15 ltrs of RO water, then measure out salt with digital scales add to bucket with heater and small powerhead, good stir, leave for half hour, another good stir. then hay prestow hour later perfect mixed salt everytime. Couldnt be easier :)
I have a large Mixing bucket (used for brewing in)
Do I detect a bit of closet binge drinking.

PMSL.. nah Big C I'm T Total have been for years :) I bought it for another project. Mould making project actually but never got round to using it. Its just perfect as its the special type of plastic that is suitable for storing drinkable liquids in, but i guess it would be used for wine or beer :hyper: :shifty:

As for cups per gallon..lol just buy some scales and cut out all the guess work!!

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