

New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Hi i have a couple of questions First i have a 40 gallon tank with 6 tiger barbs 3 gouramis blue dwarf 1 rainbow shark 1 clown pleco 3 golden barbs I like the mix of fish that i have and don't wish to add any more fish, but i do want to add maybe some shrimp and a lobster. So my questions are can i put a cobalt blue lobster (I want a lobster that doesn't get bigger then 6") with some shrimp in my tank with what i currently have. Second question are lobster going to uproot all my plants?
forgetting that most lobsters sold are actually crayfish
it is not a good idea to put them in with fish.
crayfish, lobsters and long armed shrimp are predatory
and your could end up with one big fat lobster.
After reading all the advice on this forum I don't think that I will be getting a blue lobster but I do want an invertebrate so is there any shrimp that would fit well into my tank I was looking at a bumble bee shrimp because i was looking for one that doesn't get big enough to cause any damage to my tank but one that that had some colour to it. Do you think that this would be a good shrimp or do you have any other suggestions.

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