Mixing Substrates


Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2007
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I'm setting up a new 75gal planted aquarium with a sand substrate (to benefit loaches of course). Potential plant species anubias, maybe anacharis, java ferns, crypts, twisted vals or swords.

I was looking at possibly mixing in some alternative substrate with it as a nutrient source for the plants. I'd like to keep the cost down as low as possible. How does laterite or flourite work when mixed with sand? Does the laterite make a mess of the water when you stir the sand during cleaning?

Is the added nutrient rich substrate needed?
Its probably not necessary, the vals and swords would appreciate a richer substrate but the other plants would be fine without it. You could always feed the swords separately with root tabs if you want. JBL root balls or something similar pushed into the sand would do the job. Laterite won’t mess up the water when cleaning, just rince it well before you put it in until it runs clear. I haven’t used fluorite. You can put the layer of sand over the laterite, though as sand is smaller it will mix eventually.
A 2 sand to 1 ecco-complete looks really niice IMHO.
Ex: 40 lbs of sand to a 20 pack of Ecco.
I just put a 5.8KG tub of TetraComplete at the bottom and piled 15Kg playsand on top.

ok, thanks for the info. I'll probably go with the roottabs for some of the plants then. About how long do they last?
I used a topcoat combo of silver sand and silica grit to provide room for roots - seems to work well

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