Mixing Gobies And Inverts

It's still a toss-up between the Stiphodons and the Desert gobies.

On the positive side, I've bumped across someone who has kept Desert gobies with BBGs and can now confirm they'll be okay in the same tank. They'll also a lot cheaper, and a lot, lot easier to breed.

On the other hand, this is what Stiphodon atropurpureus looks like.
ANGFA has information on desert gobies. Check out angfa.org for their details.
Desert gobies are easy to breed. Have a group in a tank and feed them well. When they mature the males of most variants develop blue and black markings on their dorsal fin. (The colour is variable depending on exactly where they came from). Males also get slightly bigger and generally have a yellow body without markings, whereas the famles having a few mottled patches on them. The males show off to the females and eventually they lay some eggs inside a cave, a length of pvc pipe is often used, or a flower pot on its side. The male guards and fans the eggs for a week or so and then the fry swim off. Baby desert gobies can usually be reard on newly hatched brine srhimp but some people use infusoria for a week before adding brineshrimp. The adults will breed several times in quick succession before having a resting period which can last for months.

Thanks for the excellent link, Colin_T! Even if mine don't breed, I'll be happy just to have them.

Hi dizzied :)

The Stiphodons you are considering look good too! Beautiful, in fact.

I was wondering what the Desert gobies might cost you. I was lucky and got mine at auction for $8 for 10 of them. If you lived near me I would give you a pair. I have them in a 10 gallon right now, but they will have to be moved up to something bigger before long.
That specific species of Stiphodon really reminds me of the saltwater Neon gobies. Although probably only breeding or dominant males carry that blue coloration.

Desert gobies would probably cost me about $3-5 each depending on where I get them. I'd say $8 for 10 was a great deal for you. $8 for 10 would be a great deal for just about any fish actually. :lol:

We live in the same state, that's for sure. I'm in Brooklyn.
Hi dizzied :)

I live on Long Island, so you might not be too far away. I'll send you a PM. :D

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