Mixing Corys?


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2009
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I currently have 2 peppered corys in my 20 gallon tank (along with 2 female platys and 2 female swordtails). I would like to get a couple more corys, as i know they do better in groups of 4 or more & and they do well at cleaning up excess food when i overfeed :blush:, but would also like a little variety in the species. do all corys do well together, or should i keep it to the same species :dunno: ?
Best to keep to the same species but mixing wont do any harm. I've got some singles in my cory tank and they shoal with other corys. I'd prefer there were no singles but thats life.
they do well together
i have peppered,trilineatus,venezuelanus,panda,cw021,sterbai,black shultzi and delphax corys in one tank
and skunk m reticulated and albino in other
with pygmy and habrosus in another tank

they are great together

My advice would be to get 1 more peppered and then 3 more of another kind
Thanks for he advice pippodle. ur quite the cory collector there, lol. I like em because they do a good job of cleaning my tank and i don't have to worry about them munchin the tails of my other fish like some species of cats.
Thanks for he advice pippodle. ur quite the cory collector there, lol. I like em because they do a good job of cleaning my tank and i don't have to worry about them munchin the tails of my other fish like some species of cats.

you're welcome you might get addicted though lmao - i am addicted to them
hey, i got another question for u there pippoodle. since u have all those different corys, which one is ur favorite?
Most people recommend at least 3 of each species that you want. Mixing is ok but the cories would be happier with at least three or only their species.
yea i'm def gonna get at least one more peppered cory and i think 3 of another variety.
dunno what kind though, gonna hunt around and see if i can find anything neat.
Hi Pabs311 :)

I keep many of my corys in mixed communitys and they do very well together. Like the others mentioned, it's always best to keep several of each species you have. Corys come in many different colors and patterns, and quite a few are available, at least from time to time, in the lfs. I'm sure you'll find some fine ones. :D

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