Mixing Bichir's


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2008
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Hi' All,

Jus wondering if anyone has had any issues mixing bichirs?

i've got either a weeksii or a delhezi. and a senegal which are currently in seperate tanks due to the size difference.
I'm thinking of getting a mixture of the smaller ones by this i mean less than 18-20inch

Polypterus ansorgii
Polypterus katangae
Polypterus mokelembembe
Polypterus ornatipinnis (although is pushing it for the size of the tank)
Polypterus palmas buettikoferi
Polypterus palmas palmas
Polypterus palmas polli
Polypterus retropinnis
Polypterus teugelsi

I've realised prices varies and some you rarely see but with a bit of luck they can all be found i'm sure. I'm obviously not expecting to get all off them (well not until i have a bigger house , more money and possibly another mrs lol)
They'll be going into a 4x2x2 unless any are small enough to go ina 40galon.
Any recommendations?

Saw a Teugelsi recentlyish but didnt have a big tank at the time.
a lot of them will get on, given enough space etc, i know the teugelsi get big, like the one at bas a few months ago was about 30 inch or something like that!
i have my 2 delhezi's, one around 7.5 inch and the other around 5.5 inch together, and 2 albino senegals one around 4 inch the other around 3 inch, these will be going into the tank with the delhezi's once thay have grown a bit.
i have seen ornatipinnis and delhezi's together. i think it would just be a case of getting all the size's and more or less matching which ones get to similar sizes and they should be ok. i hope soon to be picking up my 2 endlicheri's when the lfs eventually gets them (think its the whole saler actually!) and they will also be going in with the delhezi's!
all ready for the big tank im getting!!!

ahh from what i read the teugelsi gets to around 16inches. must be a big tank you're getting as the they grow quite large, although bichir's are kind like fire eels etc they can turn around in less space. I havent heard of any being aggressive but unfortuantly there isnt terribly mouch readin on them, for whatever reason they are not the most popular of fish :( Getting Jurassic fishes book in October so hopefully will have some good reading in that.
Any idea what i could fit in my tank? if what i have is a weeksii then it'd be pushing it as their max size is only 2inchs short of the width of my tank .
the teugelsi that was in bas was well over 16"! i wouldn't of trusted it with any of mine!!
i have been looking at yours, then looking at delhezi and weeksii! they are very similar in shape and colouration, especially when younger!
i cant see any difference between yours and my delhezi's, when you look up polypterus weeksii there is some pics that look like delhezi and the others of weeksii look less patterned.
i wouldn't like to say which one it is.
you don't see them weeksii for sale much, so id find it hard to believe it is one.
oh the tank im getting is 6x3x2 so would be plenty big enough! hehe

yeh i was looking at both pictures , its hard to see any difference. maybe i'll just wait if it grows more than 15-16inch i know its not a delhezi. Good size tank you're getting , i would say i'm jealous but i'm not as it wouldn't fit in my house :p lol least with a tank like that you can to a certain extent get anything. but no doubt as normal we get a larger tank say its the last then you'll see osmething that doesnt fit and you'll want larger.
i was originally going for the 8x3x2 but after some dispute, came to the decision it was just unrealistic until i move in the next year or 2.
the width was for a pair of rays but am uncertain if i am still getting them! mabe i will still get an asian arowana.

yeah unless someone can come up with a definite id for the bichir wait till it gets past the max size of a delhezi!
could you post some better pics of it by any chance, i know how difficult they can be to picture, never stop moving!
but if you could get a clear side full length body shot i can really compare it to mine, my big delhezi just sits infront of the wood at the front of my tank so can get a perfect view of it anytime really!

if it does end up being a big one and you cant house it then let me know and i will get another delhezi and we can sort out a deal ;-)

Sounds like a plan lol , i've just sand vacced the tank so the fish are hiding will get some when its feeding time:)
best pics i'll get i think:







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