Mixing Bettas




I have a 10G Tank which used to have 1 male betta, two swordtails, 3 guppies and two dwarf gouramis. Unfortunately my betta, one of the guppies and the gouramis died a while ago. Ive made sure my guppy and swordtails are healthy and started to re-stock!!
I bought a betta from a really good aquatic store near me, but when i put him in the tank with the guppies and swordtails he ate the guppies (Literally!!!). I managed to get one out and he's now living in a 2gal tank with another little friend i bought him :)
My problem is - As the betta is VERY pretty i dont want to take him back, so i asked the store what i could put in with him that he wont kill!! I was told that it is ok to put a female betta in with a male as long as there are plenty of places for her to hide.
Ive heard that you should never mix males, but ive not been able to find much info about mixing males and females. Obviously i dont want to buy a female until im sure they'll be ok together, but the person at the store said that they DEFINATELY wouldn't fight too much!!!
Anyway, i was just hoping for some input/advice from anyone on here?! What should i do?! And if he cant go with a female what can he go with?!?! Im guessing he hasn't eaten the swordtails 'cos they're huge!! Any help would be great!! Thanks! :D

You can put him in a 5-gal with maybe 2 or 3 panda cories.
Someone else posted recently that their male/female chase each other all day, and that can lead to problems. If your betta has all ready eaten half the tank, I would be afraid to introduce another betta to them..

Thanks for the quick replies. I didnt really want to have to buy another tank, could he survive in the 2gal tank? (no heater/filter tho!!) And if not what can i put in with him?!?! would some more gouramis work? they're pretty big...
Have i just got a really mean betta or was i just lucky with my last one? he was really peaceful with all my other fish - even the guppies!!! I want him back!!!lol

he'll be fine with a 2gallon, just make sure you do the water changes though :)
He's in a 10gal (uk) at the moment. The two guppies are in the 2 gal! Sorry!!lol

They're in the 2gal with just some plants so i think its ok for them. The 10 gal the betta is in has 2 female swordtails, a plec and a snail in it.
Your 2 gallon is fine for a betta! I wouldn't advise adding anything else though. If your house gets under 68 degrees I'd get him a heater.
I think i might move my betta then!!! :) He'll probably be happier on his own anyway, he's very moody!!!
Then i can put pretty much anything in my other tank! :D


Another nice addition for your 2 gallon would be a ghost shrimp. They'll clean up leftover food and eat waste. They are very cheap in my neck-of-the-woods (Only $0.30). Be advised that you might find your betta with a grin on his face and a half-eaten ghost shrimp. ;)

They look cute! :) Are they easy to look after? If they're not too difficult to keep ill see if i can find any! Ive not seen any before but im sure we have them over here somewhere!!lol
Knowing my betta he'll eat it... Gotta love him! :D
For me, they weren't difficult to care for at all. I just ploped em in the tank. I'd say at least have a plant or a decoration for him to hide out in if the betta's on the prowl just to extend his life a bit.

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