Mixing Anemones


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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can u have more than one type of anemone in the tank. i have an atlantic anemone at min to start me off but would like another eventually. do any type of fish go into an atlantic anemone like a clown or maroon clown as i would like to buy one compatible
Ive heard of ppl keeping more then one Anemone in a tank at once so tht shouldnt be a problem as long as ur tank is big enough. What type of Atlantic Anemone is it, its rare for a clown to go in one but ive seen seen a tomato clown in a atlantic bubble tip before.
No, unfortunately clowns are all from the pacific and 99 times out of 100, wont host with a more hardy condylactis anemone from the atlantic. [more hardy than most of the known host anemones] But then again, the less picky clowns like the clarkiis would be more likely than any, and im sure youve heard about clowns using a powerhead or something that doesnt even resemble an anemone as its host. If there is a pipe organ coral, or sometimes even xenia present they will use it because it has long tentacles, [not always called tentacles] like an anemone. My true perc chose a sponge I used to have as its host.

Ive seen 2 different kinds of anemones all in the same tank at fish stores before, that were all there for like 3 or 4 weeks, I think until someone bought them. Im not sure if its really ok though.
Ive heard of ppl keeping more then one Anemone in a tank at once so tht shouldnt be a problem as long as ur tank is big enough. What type of Atlantic Anemone is it, its rare for a clown to go in one but ive seen seen a tomato clown in a atlantic bubble tip before.
condylactis anemone apparantly but common name atlantic. like long tentacles on it. my tank is 4ft x 2 ft x 2ft. 235 ltr or 55 gal.

Ive heard of ppl keeping more then one Anemone in a tank at once so tht shouldnt be a problem as long as ur tank is big enough. What type of Atlantic Anemone is it, its rare for a clown to go in one but ive seen seen a tomato clown in a atlantic bubble tip before.
condylactis anemone apparantly but common name atlantic. like long tentacles on it. my tank is 4ft x 2 ft x 2ft. 235 ltr or 55 gal.
so is there no fish that go in atlantic anemones then
If I am right your tank is very young & IMO may not be suitablly mature enought to host 1 Nem


Pm'd link to Nems
Nope Im afraid the condys are pretty much useless unless you think they are pretty. They wont host a clown, and they can just go around stinging other corals, or they can die in a tank that isnt mature or doesnt have the proper lighting.

If I were to have an anemone, it would be in an established tank with lots of LR and at least 5 watts/gal of metal halide lighting, it would be one that would host a clown, and there would be no other corals or anemones. And even then, it may only last 1-2 years in captivity and still nuke my tank in the end.
My old Condyclactus with resident Maroon clown :/


Maroons are the most likely to host in them. Howefver these anenomes are very aggressive and have powerful stings. I wont keep one again after it ate my copperband and collaire butterfly fish :grr:

My old Condyclactus with resident Maroon clown :/


Maroons are the most likely to host in them. Howefver these anenomes are very aggressive and have powerful stings. I wont keep one again after it ate my copperband and collaire butterfly fish :grr:

i have a couple of polyps and a leather and some pulse will it harm these and would you advise taking it back
They grow extremly fast (i mean a matter of weeks!) When i bought this anenome it was about 3 or 4 inches across. However in the photos (especially the last one) its an easy 8 inches across. This is due to the fact that its settled well and maximising the light that can shine upon it.

If its settled and hasnt moved then its highly likely that things will be fine and as long as your corals arent near it then they will be ok. If however you feel safer i would move the corals... moving the anenome will only run the risk of making roam all over the tank.
They grow extremly fast (i mean a matter of weeks!) When i bought this anenome it was about 3 or 4 inches across. However in the photos (especially the last one) its an easy 8 inches across. This is due to the fact that its settled well and maximising the light that can shine upon it.

If its settled and hasnt moved then its highly likely that things will be fine and as long as your corals arent near it then they will be ok. If however you feel safer i would move the corals... moving the anenome will only run the risk of making roam all over the tank.
cheers for advise
Yeah im very much a better safe than sorry person when it comes to fish tanks, especially when it comes to anemones. They can settle in a place that they stay in for 2 years, then one day out of the blue just move and because they can move, im way too afraid to keep one again.

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