Mixed Sex Betta Tanks...

Do you keep male and female Bettas together permanently?

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Heres a theory and I may be wrong. I've housed bettas together, one male to 3-4 females. They have been together for very long times but if there is a death its generally the male that dies.( In my situation) The males don't die from injury but from ill health. Why do they get sick and the females are still all healthy. Well I think its because of the stress....they can't breed with so many females in the tank and thats what they live for and they cant completely keep control of their territory. They are always under pressure and it makes it worse if the females are aggressive to. The male generally keeps the girls in line. But can you imagine the constant pressure endured by the male over a long period of time. So I've come to the conclusion yes they may get on well together but in the end poor freddy expires quicker than the rest of them. Also I may add even if you have a group of females only, there is aggression especially over territory and you have to evict the most aggressive one to keep a happy environment. But as soon as one is evicted another will take up the position. So there is a lot of moving and manipulating to be done to keep everyone happy. Like I said this is only in my experience and what I've encountered.
Makes sound sense to me about the stress factor for a male having to many females in the same tank and him getting stress related illnesses even without any agression from the females. And seperating out the most aggressive ones doesn't always work. Its like chickens there is a heiracy and if that is disturbed because you felt sorry for the one at the bottom of the ladder, the other less dominate ones move up and you now have a new lowest member of the flock. This will keep occuring until you are left with just one chicken which has no one else to dominate. Roosters how ever can help in keeping the flock in order. Basically the bottom line seems to be if a group of any animals is working (co-habitating with litle or no aggression, all animals are getting their fair share of food and shelter) then leave them alone, once you start meddling in the heiracy system there will be new and more fights as the animals reassert dominance.

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