Misty Tank - Guppies Swimming At The Top!

Just going to do another water change as it hasn't gone!
sorry for caps.
if all is testing well, just sit it out, blooms will tend to run it's course and clear up on its own
KirkyArcher said:
if all is testing well, just sit it out, blooms will tend to run it's course and clear up on its own
I have just been to the lfs and got a test set, £17.99 for 50 strips..  my GH is basically of the scale at about 21, so is the KH at 20 and the PH is around 8.0!
Any ideas on what I should do? I have guppies, mollies, tetras in the tank.
Test your tap water and report those results.
If they are similar, then you just have hard water.  If they are very different something in your tank is causing the difference, like a rock that's dissolving.

KirkyArcher said:
if all is testing well, just sit it out, blooms will tend to run it's course and clear up on its own
eaglesaquarium said:
Test your tap water and report those results.
If they are similar, then you just have hard water.  If they are very different something in your tank is causing the difference, like a rock that's dissolving.

if all is testing well, just sit it out, blooms will tend to run it's course and clear up on its own
Thank you for the reply. Just tested the tap water and the tap water has a PH of around 6.8. The KH from the tap water has dropped to 15. The GH is still around 21.
Does this mean something in the tank is causing the PH to be high? I don't have any rocks, only gravel and an ornament. 
What type of gravel?
eaglesaquarium said:
What type of gravel?
White aquarium gravel from pet's at home in the UK, never seen this in my tank before until I did a full water change a few days ago.
Just a tip: dechlorinate water prior to adding to the tank :)
tunagirll said:
Just a tip: dechlorinate water prior to adding to the tank
Thank you but I have been doing this every water change :)
TDPUK said:
What type of gravel?
White aquarium gravel from pet's at home in the UK, never seen this in my tank before until I did a full water change a few days ago.
Any chance that this is not an 'inert' gravel, but some sort of crushed coral, or similar?
Any other things that you think COULD be affecting the hardness or pH?
Next question:  when you tested the pH of the tap, was that after sitting for 24 hours?
Is the test kit liquid or paper?
If its paper, might pay to get your LFS to test your water for you to make sure the water tests are accurate.
TDPUK said:
Just a tip: dechlorinate water prior to adding to the tank
Thank you but I have been doing this every water change

Just checking because you'd written that you were adding water to the tank before dechlorinating it.
eaglesaquarium said:

What type of gravel?
White aquarium gravel from pet's at home in the UK, never seen this in my tank before until I did a full water change a few days ago.
Any chance that this is not an 'inert' gravel, but some sort of crushed coral, or similar?
Any other things that you think COULD be affecting the hardness or pH?
Next question:  when you tested the pH of the tap, was that after sitting for 24 hours?

No definitely just normal gravel not coral or anything :). I'm thinking maybe the filter need's a clean, but that's not a good thing to do right?
Blondielovesfish said:
Is the test kit liquid or paper?
If its paper, might pay to get your LFS to test your water for you to make sure the water tests are accurate.
Paper I couldn't afford the more expensive ones :(.
You can clean the filter if done properly.  Remove the media and squeeze it in a bowl of tank water until the excess gunk comes off.  You can scrub any gunk off the plastic casing using regular water.  Then replace the media into the filter.  (Do not replace old media with new media as this will remove the beneficial bacteria).
P.S.  Your sponges (media) will never look "clean"/white, it will always been a beige/brown and that doesn't mean it is dirty.

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