Missing Fish!? Please Help!


New Member
Nov 30, 2008
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Ok so for the past couple weeks I've had 6 zebra danios in with my:
4 silver dollars
7 neon tetras
4 clown loaches
1 pictus catfish
1 rubbernose pleco
6 ghost shrimp

Today I only see 4 zebra danios in there....

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrites: 0ppm
NitrAtes: 0ppm

1 of the missing zebra danios appeared to be a little bit fatter than normal when I saw it yesterday. There are no dead fish in the tank and as far as I know, none of the other fish would be predatory towards them.

Right now my #1 suspect is the pictus catfish, as I have read that they can potentially eat smaller fish if they make themselfs an easy catch. Do you think he is the culprit or is there another possible reason for these MIA fish?

Speaking of missing fish, every night when I look in the aquarium I see ZERO neon tetras. I look in all the plants, logs, creavaces, etc and can never find them. Every morning they magically appear out of nowhere. Is this normal behaviour for tetras or are mine just really adept at hide-and-seek?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and giving your input!
Although they wouldn't kill them but the pleco, shrimp and catfish would all eat any dead fish.
I lost a little cat fish 2months ago I removed all the plants moved the bog would and I could still not see him? I moved all the gravel about with I gravel vac as i was doing a water change and I could still not see him.

2weeks later he's back and him near gone missing again its will odd.
I have 2 filters in there, a canister fluval 304 and a hang on the back whisper, and both intakes have screens over them so nothing could go in and there's nothing stuck to the sides.
As for not seeing some fish at night... it's pretty common for me. When the lights are out and it's time to sleep, my fish are gone. I know the loaches are in the crevices and holes of the driftwood and pot, the bn is in his cave, the rummynoses spread along the gravel of the back corner of the tank, and the gouramis as big as they are hide very well too. Sometimes, one gourami is even in the cave with the bn; I've seen one lie vertical behind the intake tube, and another vertical between the glass and UV sterilizer.
i have zebra danios to and my main problem with them the black fish net i use to scoop out leaves are nearly the same colour as the danios and i always nearly scoop them out (and thay are extremely fast so you can hardly see the dart into the net)!

i have zebra danios to and my main problem with them the black fish net i use to scoop out leaves are nearly the same colour as the danios and i always nearly scoop them out (and thay are extremely fast so you can hardly see the dart into the net)!

I wish my danios were so easy to catch - there's no chance on earth of accidentally scooping up the one's I've got. First sign of a net and whoosh they're gone like a rocket!
i have zebra danios to and my main problem with them the black fish net i use to scoop out leaves are nearly the same colour as the danios and i always nearly scoop them out (and thay are extremely fast so you can hardly see the dart into the net)!

I wish my danios were so easy to catch - there's no chance on earth of accidentally scooping up the one's I've got. First sign of a net and whoosh they're gone like a rocket!
Two nets, one large and one small makes it a lot easier. Use the smaller one to chase them into the larger one! (know you weren't asking, your comment just made me think of it since my danios are like rockets too! :) )
Two nets, one large and one small makes it a lot easier. Use the smaller one to chase them into the larger one! (know you weren't asking, your comment just made me think of it since my danios are like rockets too! :) )
Next time I need to catch them I'm trying this idea. Several people have mentioned it since, but hopefully I won't need to catch them up again anytime soon :good:
Two nets, one large and one small makes it a lot easier. Use the smaller one to chase them into the larger one! (know you weren't asking, your comment just made me think of it since my danios are like rockets too! :) )
Next time I need to catch them I'm trying this idea. Several people have mentioned it since, but hopefully I won't need to catch them up again anytime soon :good:
The truth is, in fishkeeping, you never know when you might need to catch them. You could have a bottom pane of glass crack this afternoon due to a slight bump in your tank stand and you'd find yourself wanting to catch those little rockets as fast as possible while other were bailing and siphoning the remaining water to make less floor cleanup!! (can you tell something similar to this happened to me once? :lol: )

Very small risk of this though, so here's hoping you enjoy the holiday with the tank looking pretty!

I have 4 clown loaches (1.5 inches) and last night they completely disappeared from my tank! I circled the tank, inspecting every log and crevace as closely as I could through the glass. They were absolutely nowhere to be seen. This morning I went to look at the tank and they were all swimming around as if they had been out in the open all along.....I think they were abducted by aliens..
I have 4 clown loaches (1.5 inches) and last night they completely disappeared from my tank! I circled the tank, inspecting every log and crevace as closely as I could through the glass. They were absolutely nowhere to be seen. This morning I went to look at the tank and they were all swimming around as if they had been out in the open all along.....I think they were abducted by aliens..
i had the sime thing once (5 times) thay got sucked up the filter and came out the other side un-harmed (thay could probably live in the cat's stomach, not that i'm seggesting anything.....).

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