Missing: 2 Fish


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I'm consistantly counting 12 Odessa Barbs when I know there should be 14. I've looked in all the decorations and I can't find the other two. :( I am ok being down to 12 because that was all I had intended to get, but I wonder what happened to the other two. They are hard to count, but all my counts have been consistant!
I hate counting schooling fish haha - test your water that should tell you if you have ammonia or nitrite ratings I would say you have some dead ones also test nitrate before a water test as if the filter has coped with the rotting process theres a chance the nitrate will be high from the ammount processed. My bet is they are still there but just dashing around.
My stats from yesterday were:

Ammonia: - 0
Nitrate: - 0
Nitrite: - 0

I counted 12 Thurs and the count hasn't changed. :(
Have you checked under your tank? I had an angelfish that seemingly dissapeared once and couldn't find it. When I stripped down the tank a couple years later, I found it under the tank stand.
Have you checked inside the filter? "Star4" found a missing Frontosa in such a place last night, which thankfully sounds like it is recovering well from the ordeal!
My stats from yesterday were:

Ammonia: - 0
Nitrate: - 0
Nitrite: - 0

I counted 12 Thurs and the count hasn't changed. :(

Sorry to but in but how you manage to get you Nitrate down to 0

Nitrate test kits are notoriously innaccurate. A reading of "0" could be anywhere up to 100ppm.
Not to mention, no fish needs nitrate to be "0". Some studies have shown Salmoln and another type of fish (cant remember, sorry) to be sensetive to nitrate, but that's about all we know (so far). Most fish we keep aren't threatened by nitrates. Just make sure organic waste is kept minimal.
Have you checked inside the filter? "Star4" found a missing Frontosa in such a place last night, which thankfully sounds like it is recovering well from the ordeal!
I tried.. but I suppose in order to really check I gotta dump out the water out of it. I'll do that. There is NO openings that the fish could have jumped out. (but I'll check around the ground anyways... thanks)

My stats from yesterday were:

Ammonia: - 0
Nitrate: - 0
Nitrite: - 0

I counted 12 Thurs and the count hasn't changed. :(

Sorry to but in but how you manage to get you Nitrate down to 0
I did huge water changes until my stats were consistantly good.
Ok, I looked in the filter & all around the base of the fish tank. I do have about a 1" x 4" gap right next to the filter I see, but otherwise it is all sealed. No fish. I did a fish count this morning and it is still 12.
I am clueless.

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