If your corals are opening back up, thats a good sign. Usually when things get heat burned, they wont open back up. My poor pocillipora met its fate this way. Tank got up to 87 or 88 when my A/C quit on the hottest day of the summer (why cant they go on the "bearable" days?). Poor guy never extended his polyps again... Slowly necrosed and died.
I gotta be honest though guys and say that a skimmer is not really necessary for you right now. You have very hardy fish and corals that can handle some dissolved organic compounds. Nitrates are not easily skimmed out anyways as they are not hydrophillic or hydrophobic enough to really get caught amidst bubble fractionation. You're only feeding two clowns every other day so your waste load is low. A skimmer frankly should be low on your priority list until you can get a TDS meter and verify that RO discharge. Until you start significantly adding livestock, a skimmer is probably a waste of money at this time. Nitrates first, DOC (dissolved organic compounds) second