Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

more relief last night, we'd barely seem the cleaner shrimp since he'd gone in the tank, we were just starting to get a little concerned that the nitrates had got him, then last night (the first night since we had him that we've not done a water change.... coincidence or not ???) he pokes his little head out to see us! We were so chuffed, we bought thought he'd died.

also I've done a bit of reading and I think our zoanthoides are rock anenome's as someone suggested earlier. (am i right anyone?) So I need to have a bit more of a look into those.

as the nitrates are starting to drop now were gonna do changes every other day (oh bugger, just realised I forgot to set the RO unit running this morning :X ) so we're not disrupting the tank too much and getting the levels down slowly.

It's payday today though so I think I'm gonna get another powerhead and some more LR this weekend, just to help out a bit.

then it's gonna be just left as it is with the regular changes for a good 3/4 weeks. Then when everything's settled it's gonna be more clean up crew. 2 peppermint shrimps are the first thing, then a load more snails, and we also want an emerald crab if we can get hold of one.

I just can't wait, I'm really loving our inverts, the crabby's and snails are just ace, whenever I come home the first thing I do is go to the tank and see if I can spot them all!

Oh and I don't think we mentioned,we have bristleworm, turned the lights off and sat in the dark watching the tank for them the other night, how sad are we?! lol

We have an ehiem external filter kicking around in the cellar and i`ve been toying with the idea of filling it with LR rubble and attaching it to the tank...
it contains an internal heater aswell so we would be able to get the heater out of the tank wich would help to make it look less cluttered.

Would this be a good idea? as surely the more LR in the tank the better???
Thats a great idea. More LR and more flowrate the better :D Any way you guys can take some closeup macro shots of the suspected rock anemones?
macro shots ??? what do you mean... at any rate I doubt it, our digi cam is properly poo!

did another water change last night and the nitrates have dropped again, still above 50 but coming down.

Not sure about the eheim, the other option is we put it on our big FW tank, cos it's got an oscar and a common plec in so the waste in the tank is massive, we've got a big fluval and 2 little internals in there at the moment, I'd like to get rid of the internals and put another decent external on there.

anyway both options have benefits, so we'll just have to come to some descision today :rolleyes: if not then I'll get some more LR and another powerhead for the tank anyway.

you'll need to make sure the heating element is okey for saltwater, cause freshwater ones can corrode quite quickly and contaminate stuff!


yer if its the one im thinking of which is like my 2224 without heater i believe it isnt saltwater safe as its like a kettle design ithink.
ahhh.... i`ll have to investigate that....

we still want loads mor LR for the tank amy ways,
pics will follow shortly
rock nem`s/ or what ever the hell they are...


My alge....


think they are hairy button polyps. Then that thing is a sponge, be careful it can just grow like crazy. ive got some however isnt doing much, but my LFS said that one guy they did a tank clean up for him and cut off a whole sheet of it no joke! it coverd his glass, i means it nice to have but cut it to keep it in order m8!. but dunno about the other soz
yea the sponge has spread a bit i`m planning on removing it from the areas other than that rock. but it is quite cool so its staying....
oh christ yer didnt see that! get some joes juice on it asap so it dont spread to much!
you'll need to make sure the heating element is okey for saltwater, cause freshwater ones can corrode quite quickly and contaminate stuff!

AMEN to that. Saltwater is way corrosive :(

"Macro" usually refers to a mode on the camera like landscape, portrait, fast action, etc. Macro mode is used for closeup shots and is the way most people take really tightly zoomed in views of corals. Beware though, macro mode quality varies GREATLY from camera to camera and usually a steady base for your hands like a table or something is needed since the shutter speed is pretty slow :)

Edit: My camera's macro mode is horrible... Too bad I didnt know that before I bought it :(
yea we know we have apasia. once the nitrates die off were getting a pair of pepermint shrimp to deal with them.
Thanks for that ski. a camera with that sort of setting would be good, instead i just use my motorala phone the camera on that is better than our digi cam.

don`t think the heater will be ok for salt water so its off on the oscars tank
nah no macro mode on the camera, that's the best you can hope for!

if it's any help to know the size of them, they're about an inch in diameter, and when they're all opened up and raised they're about an inch or so tall as well. Much much bigger than any zoo's I've seen. any other opinions on what they are??

and yay Oscar gets another filter :D

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