Miss Dib Dab

The females are much rounder in the belly region when they reach a certain age/size. Spawning wise they aren't terribly good parents, choosing to lay their eggs anywhere they like and having them fertilised and leaving them to it. :rolleyes: Means in a tank like my 55g the eggs wouldn't last 5 minutes. Unless they were in Beatties cubbie hole. No one else is allowed in there but her. But then she'd probably get hungry and....Oh well until they actually start to spawn I can't say for sure. Without first hand experience I can't give terribly accurate account of their behaviour.
P.S:Glad the gammy eye is healing. They can't blink though. They have no eyelids. :lol:
Smart aleck! It looked like a blink :blink:

Sounds a lot like cories. If so, move the eggs to a small tank with an airstone if you see some opaque clutches.
Yup, that I will do. Trouble is with the tank being deep and full of their hiding places chances are I simply won't see eggs. But will keep on hoping. :thumbs:
Lol not a smart alec. :lol: It's the way they move their eyes that make it look like blinking. Tis kinda sweet really. I love my Angelicus following my every move in the evenings. Actually he watches ppl alot. He lives in a very high traffic area as do the eupterus synos. They aren't bothered by much at all.
I know you know with all the time you spend in the catfish forum, but the corey ladies smear their eggs all over everyplace. I've seen cory ladies dashing around with the boys tumbling all over themselves to get to her while she is dripping eggs off her belly.

Well, at least I know I wasn't seeing things.
Actually only seen it with the C. aeneus bronze ladies. :lol:

I am very concerned. I ordered a 7" Cichlid frontosa kigoma wild caught from lake Tanganyka. It was shipped Tuesday USPS Express with guaranteed delivery Wednesday noon. It is 11 am Friday, and no one knows where it is. It was packed for a posible 3 day trip. :hyper: The poor thing. Plus I have given up a day of sleep, a night of overtime work, and still don't have my fish! It is suppose to be sharing the 40 corner with the synos.
Can you track it? :/ The bettas I ordered from Andree had tracking. Sadly they didn't survive the cold weather en-route despite a heat pack and fast shipping. :-( I'm fearing the worst for your cichlid. :sad:
We all fear the worst. We tracked it as far as the main Fresno County Post Office. Then it dropped off the radar. They can't find it. Of course it is people in Florida, a continent away, responsible for looking. The Feds are impossibly compartmentalized.

I thought you were UK?
I am. Doesn't prevent me getting fish from abroad with the right sellers. ;) 48hour shipping in warm weather is perfectly fine for a great many fish, and most importantly bettas. :shifty: The guys we get over here rarely seem to match up to those I see on aquabid. I get all my other fish in the UK and even here have been known to travel up 600 miles roundtrip for them. Yes, I am slightly mad. :lol: My syno Petricola I picked up one day from a place in London while my kids were at school. Got in my car to the station, got the train, then the tube then walked half a mile to the shop and then back again in time to get the lil sweetie snug in it's tank and pick up my daughter. :lol: My Multi came from a place in Enfield which I went to when the kiddies were away. Did that when my car was out of action! Trains, again. Took a train then a walk then another train (stupid work being done on the line) then a mile or twos walk to the store then carrying her and the dora back to the train home and the horrid bus bit in the middle. Was awful. My arms and shoulders hurt so much. As I didn't want to shake the box about I held it away from my body. It was not easy. And to top it off I had 2 buses at the home end to tackle too. :rolleyes: Am so glad my car is back on the road.

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