Miss Dib Dab


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I can't remember what they are called, but they are UGLY. They are an off tan with dark spots, a pursed, pouched mouth (kinda wrinkly skin) and an extra hump behind the dorsal fin. They are suppose to stay under 5". They are 2.5 or 3" now.

When I unpacked them and put them in the transition tank, I noticed that one's eye had been poked. I assume it is from shipping. I put Pima/MelaFix in the tank with the Frontosa, Meyer, for the syno.

Within the hour Meyer was dead.

But the synos are doing good. I have ordered another Front.

I don't see my camera in the middle of the boxes now, so I will post pics later.

They are so prehistoric and ugly that they are cute. So I have decided I like them and enjoy watching them shimmy around. I understand they are suitabe for an AfricanCichlid tank, because they like acidic water and don't mind if the Front destroys all the plants.
Awwww no synos are ugly!!! I love 'em all loads. :wub: I know many consider some of the species ugly but I fail to see that. Love to see pics.
Sorry to hear about the frontosa. What on earth killed it? :/ Surely not the melafix. Just stress? :-(
Could the synos be the Frontosus type? I can't really guess without a pic in truth, especially this close to midnight. :lol: Although, if it is them, am pretty sure they get bigger then you've stated. Hmmm.
Have a looksee through this link, see if you can spot your two. :thumbs:
I just really don't know what happened to Meyer. He had sunk to his side a couple of times. That is why it was suggested that I take him. He seemed to be doing fine. I assume there was a stresss factor that pushed him over the edge: the new synos, the Mel/PimaFix. I don't know. I wish I did. :-(

But the synos are doing well. The one's eye seems to be healing without infection, although I can't tell if the eye still works.

These fish rub around on eachother sort of loveydovey, like cories at spawn. They also get annoyed with each other and say"Piss Off!" occasionally.

The fins are opaque with spots in lines. But the fish is randomly spotted. Definately not frontosa. I have my camera and will try to get pics tonight. They were posing for me last night. :D

I am pleased with them.
Yes, Miss Dib Dabs, they look very like. Mine are more reddish/goldish tan. But I gather color morphing is a trick of the trade.

They were suspicious this morning and wouldn't come out for a clear pic. If I can salvage anything or get good pics I'll post. Thanks.
Perhaps these will do:



Look at the ugly babies! :wub:
Awww sweet. :wub: Almost totally convinced they are Nigrita. :nod: I shall have to try and get pics of all my synos some time. Trouble is I give them dim light in thr 55g and those in the Malawi come out early evening once the tank light goes off. Can see them tho as I have the main room light on for a while before moving over to my little lamp. Need a half decent camera to get pics tho and my Dad simply won't leave his here! So unfair. :lol: May have to see if I can pick one up in the sales. :shifty:
Yes I would like to see pics of your synos.

Do these like schools or are they satisfied with pairs?
I can't say for sure but if you have room I'd recommend getting another three. Both my syno groups are a reasonable size. The eupterus bunch contains 7 of them. 4 of which are about a year and a half old, maybe a little more. The other three were born this year, early. I have an eighth eupterus but he's in with the other synos as he's a little thing and was born with a deformed face. He's lovely though.
The other group in Malawi tank contains 6 synos. They are all different breeds and ages. But all are pretty young. JD the Decorus, Ella the Clarias, Petra the Petricola, Belle the Multipunctacious, Arthur Dent the Eupterus and Ricci the Alberti. :wub: Yes, I will try for pics of them. JD and Arthur should be easy to catch as should most of the Eupterus (also named) in the 55g. They rarely hide up. The others will be a tad more tricky. :look:
If you get more Sue be prepared for a few days of arguements amongst them. It's normal. Not that I have that specific breed but I know how the hierarchy goes within the Eupterus group. Beattie is the boss and she won't tolerate any silliness from the others. Sweetie, one of the older males, is rather fond of her. Pity she always chases him away. :rolleyes:
No, Animation, they have a face that only a mother could love :lol: :wub:

If I can get an accurat ID I will watch for them. There were only two at the lfs. The tank is a 40 USG tall corner tank so I doubt that I will be able to have very many when the frontosa is added.
Yes, I think really they are cute--but ugly cute :lol:

The damaged eye seems to be healing up well and blinkiing, etc. Poor baby.

Do the mommy synos get big bellies? How do they spawn and raise fry? Are they like cories? One has a tummy.

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