Misleading Labels at PetSmart, LFS etc.

At Pets at Home they have Red Tail black sharks labelled as Gentle fish that are great in community, now ok, this is true is there was only one, but talk about setting a bad example by throwing every shark related spieces into one tank and allow them to kill each other, GREAT move Pets at home, it going to oll in the customers that way aint it...

It is sickening the amount of misleading labels and information some of these pet store offer, you be better off going to the libary and reading these things up for yourself...

Thats my opinion anyways, thats how i managed the passed three years, i have fishkeeping books that have helped me with keeping my fish alive and in good condition
I TOTALLY agree. It's so much nicer when customers come into the store actually knowing a bit of what they're talking about. Doing your Homework, as I like to say, is invaluable. It's fun to go into a store and fantasize about the fish you could get, but you really need to hop over to the library and do some reading and planning before jumping into ANY pet ownership, I think.
LoachLover said:
At Petsmart here it says that clown loaches get a max of 6 inches

try doubling that and you have it ;)
In most aquariums that is their max size even if they are in a 200 gallon tank.

Anyhow yes it is a problem with people buying pets of any kind. Cats, dogs, fish, reptiles, etc. They see it, they like it, they buy it. They have no idea about size, requirements or any other special needs. IMO it's more on the person buying the animal than the person selling it to get it right. With the internet and the free avaliability to get information there should be no excuse for poor knowledge on what you're buying.

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