

Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Is it normal for a betta to display something that looks similar to a mane what is this? I've never witnessed it before! I only witnessed it last night when I had a two way mirror near my tank as I was using one side to get ready I never thought about it affecting any of my fish!

When I looked over at my fish I had my betta swimming about in front of it with what looked like a mane and his fins were all erect as he showed off to himself! (He wasnt the only one intrigued by it as my Silver dollar also joined him in front of it) He then also started to blow some bubbles at the surface (none stayed so don't think he was doing a nest) Is this behavious totally normal? I have heard people use mirrors but I'm not sure what they use them for? It was pretty interesting watching him behave like that but I'm not sure if I should put the mirror near the tank again or what? Advice would be appreciated!

he was flaring!

it's what all bettas do when they see another betta, male or female.
they'll stick their gills out and wiggle around to prove how tough and macho they are and how the other betta (even his own reflection) should stay the hell away! hehe.

it's good to let them flare every now and again, gives them some excercise.
don't let them do it for too long though, they can damage their gill plates and blow (rip) their fins.
Thanks so how often do you think I should let him see himself?

We found it pretty interesting to watch him do it last night! We thought when we got him he would be a coward but he's proved us wrong! So wish I could get a nice pic of him!

He is a double tail, I had a previous description of him but I think I put his colouring down wrong

He has a blue/purpleish body with red fins but a nice blue edging to them! He looks dead moody in the face and does not like my partner much as he goes to the back of the tank when he's about! But when I'm there he seems to be at the front alot! I think he has a favourite corner near the front as thats where he spends most of his time!

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