Miracle Fish?

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Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2006
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ok so to begin with when i was cycling my tank i brought a female platy and 2 guppies
iabout 2 weeks later the platy gave birth to 2-3 fry that i saw and a bunch of still borns. first of i figured they wouldnt survive in the nastyness that is cycling so i decied not to put them into a breeding net.
i wanted them to live a full and free all beit short life. so anyways after a few days i caught a glimps of the trio hiding under some dense planting at the back of my tank and thought they where doign great. i think my shadow spooked them as they all dove into the center of the tank where one of the guppies decied he wanted lunch adn ate one of them =[. anyways there was 2 left but under constant harsement from the guppies ( mummy didnt touch them)
a week had past and we didnt see the fry and i figured they had died so i did a water change. just before pouring the bucket down the drain i caught a glimps of seomthing moving in the tank. it was a flaoting peice of poop lol dont ask me why but out of the corner of my eye it looked just like a babie. this made me check every drop of water i took out the tank there after. was on the last bucket by this time i got bored of checking and just poured it into the sink where i then spoted a little babie platy about to go down the drain. fourtunatly i manged to put my hand over the plug hole then put the plug back in. i scooped him out and put him back in the tank.
about a week later ( still didnt see him) but the tank was finaly cycled. i was like horay and by this point one of the guppies looked as if she was gonna burst. i decied to put in a nice looking guppy male and another female ( maybe this was my fatel error.) another week passes and the male starts swiming upside down sort of his tail towards the floor and droping downwards. hed hit the floor or a plant then have a burst of energey and swim away. needless to say the next morning he had died. and 3 days later all the fish started getting white fuzzy stuff all over them? so i tried adding salt somone on here or another site sugested it. i looked at a few online formula and calculators and the amount ranged from 1 tbl spoon per 5 gals or 1 teaspoon for ever gal. i wasnt sure how to put the salt into the tank so i took a glass filled it with tank water and added the requried amount of salt. the glass was sooo cloudy i was scared to pour it all into the tank so i only added about half. anyway back to the point the salt treatment didnt help and another guppie died so all i had left was the 2 females and the platy another day passed and the mummy died =[ so i rush down to my pet store for some treatment and treated the tank. i used the correct dosage and everything the tank went a dark brown. 2 days passed and it had not cleared up so i did a 25% water change to see if that would help and it didnt. 2 more days and the rest of the fish where dead.
i decied to clear out the tank scrubign everything clean all except the filter ( maybe was another error) so first i take out the plants then about 90% of the water just leaving the sand at the buttom. i got a huge bowl to scoop the sand into. so all the sands out ( i wanted to boil it and clean it as good as pos.) i put the bowl in the kitchen and my girl starts scooping it into pans and playing them on the oven. i finaly finished emptying the tank and gave it a good wipe out. i go into the kitchen to help my girl look into the bowl which is now half empty but with about a cm of water on top and guess what i see. a little babie platy! i mean like how in hell did he survive all this being scooped up with sand dodging jugs that where scooped into the pans never mind the fact he was sat in the bown for a good hour with no heating and the cloudy water uve ever seen. to cut to the end as this is getting wayyyyyyy longer than i planed. the babie platy is now in a breeding net in a nice looking tank with 5 guppy fry for company. and hes so cute most my friends and family dont belive me when i tell them about this story and neither would i if somone told me.
has anyone else got a miracle story of there own to share?
ill try and get some pics once i find the lead for my digi
man this was long
sorry for boring ya and sorry for the spelling mistakes!

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