Miracle Baby


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
omg'sh you guys!! Some may remember my failed orange spawns of last week. The one that went completely wrong and then had a single fry who soon went missing? Well, I just went to tear down the tanks and omg'sh....there is the lone fry in his bare tank!!!! :hyper:

omg,that had to be the sweetest and saddest sight in the world. Poor little lonely guy, I haven't even been feeding him!!! But there he is,swimming around :wub: Of course I gave him some mw's right away...which are really hard to give in single servings mind you :lol:

I'm so impressed and thrilled and excited and in love all rolled into one!!!
Oh mannnn. That's AWESOME!!!

Now that is the little betta who could right there. :wub: :wub:
You said it!! He made it with absolutely no help from anybody at all. Here I was fretting over the other spawn,hoping for survivors but they were just too weak. And look at this guy with NOTHING,nothing! No air,no plants,no food...nothing!
Very cool! How sweet :wub: Guess you know who the little toughie is!
Lion Heart.... He survived on will when there was no food or anything to sustain him. All alone and new to the world, the odds were against him and yet he lived. :) Keep him. I think this one is meant to be with you for a very long time.....

And where's the pictures? :angry: ;)
I think you're right,ibb :wub: I'll keep him forever and ever and ever :p

I'll try to get a pic. He looks pretty funny in that tank all by himself though :lol:
we too have a "miracle" baby ;)
about a month ago we spawned our ct's and everything went well although the fry were really small. day by day the fry would be less and less until it looked like the spawn was a washout. there were about 4 or 5 fry left and we transferred them into the butterfly spawn tank (which was successful with fry twice as big as the ct's). the breeding tank was emptied and all the floating plants etc. were put into a mason holding jar and set out on the window sill. eventually we tried again with the ct's and were rewarded with a healthy spawn in the 100's (everything is going smoothly with the new spawn, there are just under 4 weeks old now). anyways, last week my wife was startled by a movement in the plant holding jar, turns out there was a fry tangled up in the plants that had somehow survived for weeks with no food etc. and was quite happy in this "jungle" of plants, somehow it was surviving by eating who knows what ;) he is now with the butterfly fry as well so it will be intersting to watch not only his but the 4 or 5 other ct develop along with the butterfly fry, kinda cool ;)
Great story, Kelly. It's "sort of" like one that just happened to me, but mine is not a miracle....

I stripped 2 different species of mbuna and have them in a grow-out. Looked in there the other day and there is a super hyper, big-eyed fish in with them, a PEACOCK. I was like WTH?? :huh: Must have had a fishy orgy and the mbuna decided it was a good idea to brood an aulonocara. Too funny. :lol:

Hope that wasn't a hijack. :crazy:
I'm so excited :hyper: I had a good feeling about him :wub: :wub: :wub: Such good news and I bet he was happy to get some mw's :thumbs:

I'm so happy, give him a kiss for me :wub:
The name Lion Heart sounded pretty cool for the little one..but i think Spoiled will be more in order...heheh..I hope its a HM ...male or female..

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