Thought I would give this a little update seeing as I'm sat in the van doing nothing whilst it rains.
Added 2 oto's yesterday, the puffers were eyeing them up whilst the acclimatised in the bag so I feared the wost for them. But, on release they happily swam off into the vallis and the puffers never bothered them. Depending on how they get on, I may add another 2 in the new year.
All 3 puffers are doing well, 2 are very friendly with each other, never apart, the other tends to hide more. I doubt it will lead to anything, but it would be nice to get them to breed as its pretty rare I believe.
The scape itself is going ok, may look at a bigger bulb, the vallis looks like its being left a little wanting. Fert is a steady 5.5ml a day. Moss is starting to knit together a little now, will be pulling more off from my main planted tank this week to add a few more pieces of slate covered in it to add to the effect I'm after. Crypts are doing great as always. The piece of wood that was lighter has now become the same colour and is still leeching an oily type of substance into the water. Will remove it and pour boiling water over it and give it a good scrub sometime this week. Filter is running a lot better since removing the carbon bags and a layer of the white floss stuff.
Will get pics up sometime this week of this tank and my others.