Minnnt's South American Puffer Tank


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
Reaction score
Decided to upgrade my little Puffer to a new house. Decided on a Clearseal 30x15x12 tank in the end. 88 litres or so.

Filtration is an APS 1000ef filter. Lighting is a 13w T5, but may upgrade to a 24w or similar if problems arise. May also add a powerhead just to give a little better movement.

Plants that i have chosen are:

Cabomba Caroliniana
Cryptocoryne Tropica
Elodea Densa
Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis
Narrow leaved Java Fern
Pogostemon Helferi
Red Tiger Lotus (may remove if it doesn't work out)

No moss as of yet, but may add some later on if i feel the need to.

Here are a few pics of the build. :)


















Comments, critisism and advice welcomed. :)
I love it! This really looks very good and well thought out. Well done mate, very good scape. :good:
That's a really really beautiful tank! I'm sure the puffers will love all that extra space. I'm thinking of setting up a puffer tank at some point after Christmas and I hope mine looks this good!

Is that Unipac Limpopo sand?
Woooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!! :yahoo:


APS filter is erm... probably more suited to a nano? :ninja: Flow is pants tbh, had to use half of the spray bar as with 2 there was no real flow at all. I have some ammonia remover bags in there, so i may have to remove them once the filter has built up some bacteria. I seeded it with media from my 305 so should be fine anyway. Should have gone for the 1400 really. Never mind. The filter itself is great. Very neat and tidy little thing, just the flow that lets it down. May rearrange the media a little to a similar order to a TetraTEC and see if that helps any.

Could do with another pot of Pogostemon and some more Lilaeopsis to add to the effect (which seems hard to find!) and maybe some different types of stems just to jazz it up a little. Will hopefully be adding 2 more Puffers on Thursday evening. :)

Hi Kelly, missed your comment. No it isn't Limpopo. I use that in my other tanks though. This is Unipac Black 2-3mm gravel. I believe it is actually artificial, but it looks absolutely fantastic in the tank. Really makes the plants pop.
just looking over this again, and there is only one thing i can suggest with this tank...it's just missing a couple of mid ground plants over on the far right near that wood. I know you like your crypts, and think you should put a couple around there. Other than that, you should be proud of yourself, i know i would be.
try around the wood, it will make it look more natural.
Looking really nice mate.. a couple of things (i bet that didn't surprise you ;))..... vallis...arghhh what a horrible plant (sorry)... no seriously i hate it, always grows untidy and fills out in ways you dont want it to <<<< but that is me just not liking vallis... so ignore that comment lol ;)..... i think the helferi will possibley suffer under that light so i would hold back on adding more till you know it's going to do ok..... i would have used hairgrass myself for such a large area..but i guess that brings other factors like maybe the addition of carbon or co2?, helferi isnt the best carpeting plant but more of an around the wood base type plant. Possibley a hydrocotle area aswell being nicer than the helferi in that or part of that particular spot?.

That aside though mate, the layout looks to be very well thought out, very eye pleasing and you have done a fantastic job :good:.

There is only one more thing that would for me just finish the scape though... the wood on the left removed and been replaced by a similar piece of wood to the right hand side.... in my eyes then (apart from the plants i dont like lol) the scape would only need growing in and once it has would look fantastic :).
Lol. I too think the different woods look a little odd. And was also concerned about the helferi. :/ got a feeling it is going to grow tall towards the light, but may change the bulb for a 24w t5ho? I love vallis, if only I could get it to grow like it did in my 125! Thought I would give it a go as I got about 25 plants for £6. Lol.
Very nice! And as Jake said, try to get a similar piece of wood for the left hand side. It looks a little bit thin compared to the other one, and less visible.

Personally I love vallis, especially when it starts 'hanging' over, like being in a bamboo forest. Love the effect of it, but yes your pogostemon will suffer if that would happen. Well done!

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