minimum tank sizes for most New Worlds

mwm Posted
Convict pair doesnt need a 33galllon tank

what do you suggest then cause i think 33 min for a pair remembering the will have little ones as wel (breeding pair)

Doesn't need 33 do you mean larger or smaller

also it depends on the shape of the tnk also im guessing people are talking about long tanks not upright ones
I think a 20 Long would be great for a single pair of cons. Make sure there are plenty of hiding places for the female, or a separate tank if it gets really rough :)
i forgot to mention where i got my info from

Firstly thank you to crazyklown89 of Piranha Fury.

And the books i got the info from are

Popular Freshwater Tropical Fish - John Dawes

The aquarium fish handbook - Dick Mills & Derek Lambert

The complete encyclopedia of tropical fish - Esther J.J Verhoef - Verhallen

and also from TFF ;)
Dwarf_Dude whats The complete encyclopedia of tropical fish - Esther J.J Verhoef - Verhallen like, is it any good?
My brother has a shovel nosed catfish, and it's going from the 55 hex to the 55 long. I don't know if it will need and even bigger tank then. (If it does, I wanna see if he'll sell me one of the 55's)
NinjaSmurf said:
My brother has a shovel nosed catfish, and it's going from the 55 hex to the 55 long. I don't know if it will need and even bigger tank then. (If it does, I wanna see if he'll sell me one of the 55's)
What species of shovlenose is it? I'm gussing it's a sorubim lima which is the most common fish avaliable in the aquatic trade.

A single specimen in a 55 gallon tank will be fine however these fish prefer to be kept in groups of three or more. If your brother were to upgrade his tank, a 120 gallon would be great to keep a small shoal of these wonderful fish

Blacky said:
mwm Posted
  Convict pair doesnt need a 33galllon tank

what do you suggest then cause i think 33 min for a pair remembering the will have little ones as wel (breeding pair)

Doesn't need 33 do you mean larger or smaller

also it depends on the shape of the tnk also im guessing people are talking about long tanks not upright ones
i have a friend who has to convicts in a 15g long tank heavly planted they like it they swim around alot
sometimes it also depends on the attitude of the fish :nod:
there are a couple of things to remember here. 1 that a 90 gallon tank has the same foot print as a 75. two that everything is relitive, you can have a fish that is normally considered pretty peaceful that can be a real terror and so imo I would say get as big a tank as you can fit/afford and work on stocking from there. it is extreamly hard to judge min tank sizes for new worlds as each one is a different personality much like people.

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