Minimum Sized Tank For A Betta?

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Having had plenty of experience with Bettas ( I just don't keep 400,000 in my house at one time :rolleyes: ) I can honestly say that they are far more colourful, and far more active in a larger tank, especially pla kats and females. I am not trying to say that anyone is "dumb" for keeping Bettas in tiny bowls, nor am I saying that they have an absolutely terrible life in tiny bowls. Immensly boring, maybe, but not terrible. I am saying that they would have a far better life in a proper fish tank, and that I think it is criminal to keep any animal in a tiny bowl, especially when one knows better. I would very much like to see tiny tanks banned, even though I and others have had fun with them. The maladies the fish face in a tiny tank are not worth the fun of keeping one, especially since a 5 gallon plus tank can easily equal or best a tiny tank in "funness" and are without the torturing conditions that the fish are exposed to in a tiny tank.

What I think that the issue is here, is that many Betta keepers know in their heart that it is wrong to keep a fish in a tiny bowl. But since it is widely accepted to keep a Betta in a bowl, and they will not be "flamed" or rediculed for doing so, that they ignore what they know is the right thing, and put the Betta in a tiny tank anyways.

I am known on this board for my tendency to be contrary. It's not because I like to stir up trouble. It's because occasionally, even the most widely believed ideas can be wrong ;) I probably woudn't live in North America today if we all still thought the world was flat :lol:


P.S. do I "sound like a girl" in my posts? Because an increasing number of users are reffering to me as "she" :eek: If you guys don't know my gender could you at least avoid specifiying? :rolleyes:
I have 3 females which are all kind of small, I keep 1 in a 3 gallon critter keeper, 1 in a 5 gallon hex. tank and 1 in a 1 gallon tank which gets cleaned at least every other day minimum. All mine seem happy and yes I'll be putting my other female in at least something that's 2.5 to 3 gallon size but she seems to be doing great and swims around like she is having a decent time. However as some of you stated if she was in a 3-5 gallon tank she might have alot better time, but I'm a novice and learning as alot of others are.
Having had plenty of experience with Bettas ( I just don't keep 400,000 in my house at one time :rolleyes: ) I can honestly say that they are far more colourful, and far more active in a larger tank, especially pla kats and females. I am not trying to say that anyone is "dumb" for keeping Bettas in tiny bowls, nor am I saying that they have an absolutely terrible life in tiny bowls. Immensly boring, maybe, but not terrible. I am saying that they would have a far better life in a proper fish tank, and that I think it is criminal to keep any animal in a tiny bowl, especially when one knows better. I would very much like to see tiny tanks banned, even though I and others have had fun with them. The maladies the fish face in a tiny tank are not worth the fun of keeping one, especially since a 5 gallon plus tank can easily equal or best a tiny tank in "funness" and are without the torturing conditions that the fish are exposed to in a tiny tank.

What I think that the issue is here, is that many Betta keepers know in their heart that it is wrong to keep a fish in a tiny bowl. But since it is widely accepted to keep a Betta in a bowl, and they will not be "flamed" or rediculed for doing so, that they ignore what they know is the right thing, and put the Betta in a tiny tank anyways.

I am known on this board for my tendency to be contrary. It's not because I like to stir up trouble. It's because occasionally, even the most widely believed ideas can be wrong ;) I probably woudn't live in North America today if we all still thought the world was flat :lol:


P.S. do I "sound like a girl" in my posts? Because an increasing number of users are reffering to me as "she" :eek: If you guys don't know my gender could you at least avoid specifiying? :rolleyes:
Still waiting for the evidence.....
I think most people would be surprised at how big 2.5 gallons actually is. Its not a small bowl by any means, the betta vases where its said you dont need to feed them or change the water and that they eat the plant roots are awful, and anyone thats bothered to look into fish keeping would know that. A 2.5 gallon tank is very sensible for 1 2 inch fish. My betta is very happy, he is always making bubble nests, playing in his plants, and he has lots of things to enrich his life. Just because his tank is on the smaller side doe not mean he is not happy!
I won't even acknowledge the debat in this thread. It's been rehashed in numerous forms many times since I've joined the forum. I agree with Stang1 and that is it.

Now to address the topic at hand. Spudgun2k, another thing to consider when finding decorations that will please a betta are live plants. It is very easy to setup an inexpensive low-tech planted tank with a 2.5g tank, a office desk lamp rigged with a 13W CF bulb, a nano filter, hardy plants, and whatever hardscape you choose. Add rootabs into the substrate and you can grow various plants easily, giving your betta a home that I'm 100% positive any purchased betta would go gaga for! Plants offer benefits to fish that are numerous.

1. They absorb ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and toxins, allowing you to be less regimented about following stocking "rules".
2. They provide shelter, and resting places.
3. They can be used to mimic the bettas "natural" environment.
4. Natural plants don't damage finnage like plastic plants.
5. They are DARN pretty to look at.

IMO, and this is only an opinion, planted tanks and bettas are a wonderful option for a smaller aquarium. It is, however, a matter of taste. Silk plants are great too, but I say you can have a beautiful planted tank for your betta, Spudgun2k, with very minimal effort, and it won't break the bank either.

Here's a picture of mine. I really don't think this is cruel by any stretch of the imagination. All the plants were either borrowed from other tanks, or found at the LFS.

Have fun with your tank Spudgun2k, and enjoy your betta.

llj :)
I may have nothing but my experience and anecdotal evidence to back me up, but do my opposers have any evidence either? I think not.

I may have nothing but my experience and anecdotal evidence to back me up, but do my opposers have any evidence either? I think not.


The fact our bettas are happy and very active in our 2.5 gallon tanks is all the proof that's needed. :D

Unless you have proof that bettas are MORE happy in a 5 gallon and larger thank your claims has no support. In fact, my sister's betta in her 30 gallon tank isn't even as active as mine in my 2.5 gallon. It' doesn't even swim the full height of the tank so all that extra volume goes to waste anyway.
I would say a 5 gall is min for a Betta, that will at least give it room to swim about.
It looks as though the Bettas and I have more than a few supporters. :hey: :thanks:

Thank you to those who are risking "going against widespread opinion" in order to support this case.

I had a betta in a five gallon and I found it depressing, he is a crowntail and very active, he now lives in a 250 litre tank, he has a corner he keeps for himself where he builds his nests. Otherwise he moves about the whole tank from bottom to top and from one side to another, he can get from one side to the other in seconds. I don’t know that it’s cruel to keep bettas in small tanks but I don’t feel comfortable doing it personally. A betta can’t tell its owner whether it’s happy or not. Just because a fish can live and not be killed by a small tank doesn’t necessarily mean that its quality of life is good enough. Animals lived into old age in old-fashioned zoos but its generally agreed that keeping animals in cages is cruel now. I havent made up my mind about what is and is not acceptable in terms of tank size but I think its worth thinking about and having a reasonable debate.
I had a betta in a five gallon and I found it depressing, he is a crowntail and very active, he now lives in a 250 litre tank, he has a corner he keeps for himself where he builds his nests. Otherwise he moves about the whole tank from bottom to top and from one side to another, he can get from one side to the other in seconds. I don’t know that it’s cruel to keep bettas in small tanks but I don’t feel comfortable doing it personally. A betta can’t tell its owner whether it’s happy or not. Just because a fish can live and not be killed by a small tank doesn’t necessarily mean that its quality of life is good enough. Animals lived into old age in old-fashioned zoos but its generally agreed that keeping animals in cages is cruel now. I havent made up my mind about what is and is not acceptable in terms of tank size but I think its worth thinking about and having a reasonable debate.


I'm not even going to waste my time arguing with you anymore.
In future, when making reference to Betta keepers don't criticise us and say we don't care. Maybe you should learn more about people instead of judging them.
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