Minimum Size Tank

This isnt the forum to be asking, try the south american cichlid one :good:
But, if my mind serves me right its 10 gallons per fish and they should be in shoals of 6 or more (so 60g for 6 of them). But like I said tyr the other one.
55 gal min for discus and they should be kept in 5 or more.29 gal will suit a pair fine.
so would it be ok for 2 discus in a 33 us gallon (142 ltr) tank? i read on the net that you can get 4 inch discus, is this true? and if so, are they easy to buy?
you have 70 neon tetras in 142 litres? well you definatly cant add anything in with them! and your gonna need to rehome a lot of them, if im incorrct and you dont have 70 then let me know and i apologize
i agree with jkrekord. the tetras would have to go if you wanted to add the discus. yes a 33 gallon will suit a pair fine. discus come in many sizes, juveniles; often 4inch or so, are quite easy to find.
That tank would be suitable for a pair of discus, but a pair is not any two fish together. Remember, discus are cichlids, and do have the aggression associated with being cichlids. You could have two that get along fine, or you could have two who think that they need to kill each other.

The neons will have to go, or the discus will slowly make sure they go. They will make for some fat happy discus.

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