Minimum For Soriority?

Killer Smile

New Member
Jul 3, 2010
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And so im done saving up for my other hobbies,finally i can put my funds into getting myself a betta filled tank

was wondering,is it possible to have a small soriority of around 4 in a 5G tank? im quite fond of plants too so regardless what fish i put in a tank it'll always have plants in them,so yeah,if its small then what would be the minimum for a small soriority of around 4 or 5,purely bettas,no other fish or whatever,so its just bettas and plants

also what plants do bettas in general prefer the most? if there is such a thing,the most availlable thing in our area are cabombas and hydrillas

any replys would be appreciated :) been wanting to set this up for a long time,just didnt have the time or money for it

im a newbie at this btw so take it easy on me :D
It is best to have at least 10 gallons for a sorority, the females can get quite feisty too.
Our betta's love sunbathing on the leaves of our Water Sprite... They also like to swin inbetween it's stems.
5 gals is too small. 7 gals for 4 females is the smallest I would suggest but really 10 gals is a lot better, you could fit 5-6 girls in a 10 gal, as long as it's planted well, with hiding places.
Hi Killer Smile if you're stuck for a decent plant selection in your area you can always order off ebay or check the classifieds section here. I've started ordering them online and it's great, no more elodea or rotting pet superstore stuff! :good:
Not sure where you are or anything, but if you have (and belong to) a local fish forum, you may find that many people sell or will offer you lovely cuttings/runners, and you may also find great deals on 2nd-hand tanks and all sorts of things.

I'd say 10g absolute minimum myself, and would suggest supplying not only thick planting but also areas separated with upright slate or rocks or something more solid, preferably with more than one way out in every situation to avoid anyone getting cornered by a more aggressive fish..

Bettas generally seem to most often get hurt when/because they can't get away from each other, when they might otherwise get clear with, at worst, someone doing chompers on their tails as they whisk themselves out of sight and out of mind.
I was able to keep 12 females in a 20 gal. Use lots of rocks and lots of live plants to give them plenty of territory.

Add at least 5 the first time in order to keep them from killing one another. If you can add all at once, that's much better than starting with a couple and adding them over time.

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