Minimum betta requirements

I agreed acyclic tanks are the best. You don't have to worried it get broke. :)
Acrylic tanks would be nice. I think I would prefer the 6x6x8 tanks to the 8x4x8 tanks. I have not knocked one over, but I do worry about it all the time.
I have two bettas, one is in a one gallon unfiltered tank and the other is in a 2.5 gallon with a whisper junior filter. The only thing I have for heaters in them are the lights in the hoods, which do keep the water about where I need it to be. They are both happy and healthy, swimming, eating and flaring. :D I feed them twice a day with Hikari Betta Bio-Gold baby pellets, and for a treat, I give them a couple freeze-dried blood worms about once a week.

I went to the LFS today and bought a tank measuring 24 x 12 x 12. Is this too big, its actually a jewel rekord 60 and the male betta is going to be the only inhabitant. The current will be minimal as with all juwel tanks.

I have used sand as a substrate and have used a variety of plants to cover roughly a half of the tank and then in the other half there is a small piece of decor in which the betta can hide.

I am going to cycle the filter, by firstly adding mature media from my brothers rekord 60 and also some mature water from one of my 50 gals so it is filled to the top now with mature water and is being filtered my a mature filter. There are live plants and i have added the dechlorinator and cycle.

Could somebody give me a check on how many gallons this tank is?

Looks like im all set to add my betta a week today (next time i visit the lfs)

Have i done everything i need to? and is this a good set up for one male betta?
That sounds like it is about 15G. I don't know if it is too big. Some would probably say it is. I think I would just add more plants and that would be fine. :D

I would not put the water lever too high though. Maybe 7-8 inches only max.
great thread DMan99 - I'm about to set up my first betta tank too so I had all the same questions :D

If I may piggyback your thread and ask one more question? Do bettas have a preference for what goes in the bottom of the tank ie gravel, sand, bare?

Heheh, no problem. I don't mind at all.

I couldn't honestly answer that question, i have put sand in mine but then that is only because i have gravel in all my other tanks and i wanted some corydoras who particularly love it!

For substrate, anything should do fine but best to pick something smooth so it wont damage their fins. They love plants though.
Mine has one area of the tank planted well and one half less so to allow for swimming space.

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