a "fish hater"
A while back, one member posted a topic about planted marine tanks. I posted to it once, claiming that the idea of it wasnt a very good one. Though I never read it again, I decided, just for no real reason to check on it today. I found that my post was met with a tsunami of opposition! Goddamnit! As soon as I learn about new fad around the fishbowl, a new one pops up! God damn the information age!
I seemed to me that in a mini-reef with no fish, that the bristleworms and whatever would overrun the tank. Just like in the wild, an ecosystem without the main predators just, well, isnt an ecosystem. But after viewing that lovely Japanese tank, that in did, in fact, have fish and other predators, my mind quickly canged. I had actually thought about a tank like this in the past, but ruled it out because of its appearance of unfeasability.
However, I now think about having something like that. Come to think of it, my setup would be excellent for an algae-filled marine tank. My relatively weak PC lights rule out many light-loving inverts, but would work well for algae such as the Money Plant. Also, my preferance to common tap water would provide plenty of nutrients to the macros, and the fact that I have a clean slate to work on helps my idea out. What does everyone else think?
I seemed to me that in a mini-reef with no fish, that the bristleworms and whatever would overrun the tank. Just like in the wild, an ecosystem without the main predators just, well, isnt an ecosystem. But after viewing that lovely Japanese tank, that in did, in fact, have fish and other predators, my mind quickly canged. I had actually thought about a tank like this in the past, but ruled it out because of its appearance of unfeasability.
However, I now think about having something like that. Come to think of it, my setup would be excellent for an algae-filled marine tank. My relatively weak PC lights rule out many light-loving inverts, but would work well for algae such as the Money Plant. Also, my preferance to common tap water would provide plenty of nutrients to the macros, and the fact that I have a clean slate to work on helps my idea out. What does everyone else think?