Mini Puffer Fish

have a read of the pinned topic at the top of the forum!
have a read of the pinned topic at the top of the forum!
I made the mistake of purchasing one of these without researching properly ~ stupid impulse buy. Beautiful fish and I'm really fond of it, however just days after bringing it home I had to take a last minute business trip for a week, came back and all of my molly&guppy fry plus most of the smaller adults had disappeared! Large guppy males and plecos are missing big chunks of their fins too :(. Just heading out to buy him his own 10 gallon tank now....BTW I had an auto-feeder running while away but didn't realise he doesn't eat flake, assumed it was only due to the recent move that he wasn't eating, looks well fed now though!
Sorry to jump in, its a good forum .......
Would they kill/eat amano shrimp?
Sorry to jump in, its a good forum .......
Would they kill/eat amano shrimp?
Mine certainly ate my brine shrimp, including a young 'un that I only noticed the morning I was leaving :(. I wouldn't chance it, certainly read the pinned topic at start of forum before deciding. I don't regret purchasing one, I do regret not researching properly first though.
I made the mistake of purchasing one of these without researching properly ~ stupid impulse buy. Beautiful fish and I'm really fond of it, however just days after bringing it home I had to take a last minute business trip for a week, came back and all of my molly&guppy fry plus most of the smaller adults had disappeared! Large guppy males and plecos are missing big chunks of their fins too :(. Just heading out to buy him his own 10 gallon tank now....BTW I had an auto-feeder running while away but didn't realise he doesn't eat flake, assumed it was only due to the recent move that he wasn't eating, looks well fed now though!
Sorry about your fish :sad: We learn better through mistakes ;) Hope you are still enjoying keeping him/her.

Sorry to jump in, its a good forum .......
Would they kill/eat amano shrimp?

Depends on what their relative age/sizes are. Mine have been together for well over 3 years and my Amano shrimps are larger than the DPs. The only time I had problem with them was when I went away for two weeks (they were fed once during that time). The Amano shrimps got badly nipped. I also keep cherry shrimps with my DPs. DPs will eat any baby shrimps they can catch. Mature DPs will even catch juvenile shrimps too. Be careful how you introduce your shrimps if you do decide on adding them to your DP tank. Don't ever add them at their meal time. Best done after lights out when the DPs have gone to bed.

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