Mini fish room

This is a pic of tank 6 with some the the nanostomus trifasciatus. The pic doesn't do them justice. I'm having trouble getting decent pics of this tank. I need to be very close to the glass as there isn't room to stand back. I need to keep practising I think


The camera is foreshortening the pics because I taking them along the length of the tanks.
I finally have some pics I'm not too ashamed of.

Tank 1 which is empty atm.
tank 1.jpg

Tank 2 has about 20 crystal shrimps of various sizes and colours, 2 of which are carrying eggs atm
tank 2.jpgtank 2 occ.jpg
Tank 3 has 10 Blue Diamond Neos one of which has had babies
tank 3.jpgtank 3 occ.jpg
Tank 4 is home to a shoal of white clouds, they will be moving to one of my larger tanks later on.
tank 4.jpg tank 4 occ.jpg
Tank 5 is just a variety of plants that I'm hoping will do better here than they do in my main tanks.
tank 5.jpg
Tank 6 holds my little shoal of dwarf pencilfish. I really like them and hope to get some more.
tank 6.jpg tank 6 occ.jpg
Tank 7 has fire red cherry shrimp, some Anomalochromis Thomasi fry that will need to come out soon, and 5 different types of snail.
tank 7.jpgtank 7 occ.jpg
Tank 8 has some discoloured Java Moss, some rotalla I'm growing out and hundreds of scuds which are breeding like there is no tomorrow.
tank 8.jpg
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Holy moly this is so exciting.
You must just burst with joy every time you look at this room!
And omg those blue shrimpies!!!!!!

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