Mini-cycle: will biospira help?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Illinois, USA
I'm heading off to vacation tomorrow but I had an unexpected problem this week with my tanks: my power went out for a day, and some of them are experiencing a mini-cycle (nitrite spikes). My local LFS carries bio-spira, and I am wondering if adding some might help halt the mini-cycle and re-establish each tank. If so, would I add the entire amount recommended for tank start-up, or cut the dose?

I wouldn't be so cocnerned about it, but since I am going on vacation for several weeks, I will be unable to monitor tank conditions in any way. Any advice?
One small pack of bio spira treats up to 30 gals, so depending on what size tank they are, you can divide it up. I would recommend it, as I did it myself. I was home to test it daily to see how it was doing, and the nitrite spikes never got above 1 ppm. The BioSpira seems to cycle the tank without causing large spikes. The fish were all perfectly fine, where as they were acting a little stressed before I added it. Just do a good water change/vac before you add it to the tanks, esp if you're going to be gone for several weeks.
Good luck, and have a happy vacation!
Thanks for your reply fishwatcher. Did you use one pack per 30 gallons or did you use less? I have several tanks (the largest in 75 gallons) so I am wondering if half-doses would work...
I had 2 10 gal tanks and just used 1 packet between the both of them & it worked fine in both tanks. Nitrites were gone in about 4 days completely from both tanks. My nitrites were at 5, which was quite high before I added it. Hope it helps!

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