Mini Competicion On This Post.

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Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2012
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I am just doing a mini competicion on this post. The 5 top members aquariums will be decided by me. If you want to enter just add a photo of you're aquarium saying how big it is and what fish are in it. For example

PHOTO: and then you add the photo of YOU'RE aquarium

HOW BIG IT IS: in gallons not in liters

THE FISH: the fish that are in the tank.

I bet you are all thinking whats the prize? Whell if you win you could be friends with me... You are probably thinking oh! Thats not a very good prize. It cant be a good prize because i live in spain and could not deliver anything to england or any other country.


You can NOT enter another persons aquarium.

If you do not add the details that i said and demonstrated as above it will not count

I need at least 8 posts for the 5 members to win.

The closing entry date is tuesday the 1st of may 2012 and i will post on this post who has won betwen the first and the third so remember to keep on cheking to see if you've won.

Please do not post anything if you do not want to enter. Thanks
Seeing as this is a competition that is not authorized by the Moderators or Administrators of this site this topic is being closed for further review.
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