Mini Bettas?


New Member
May 31, 2010
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There's a betta-breeding seller on eBay selling specimens from his new line of mini Bettas that he says are 1/2 the size of normal bettas. They are blue/white halfmoon marbles, sorta in-between plakats and full halfmoons. Anyway, they look positively adorable and yes, I'm tempted to get one.

But I'm thinking they might be super inbred in order to get the diminutive size, and thus might not be as healthy as normal bettas. Has anyone else here ever heard of mini or dwarf bettas that were healthy? (male) (female) (male) (female)

He has more auctions up too.

They are awfully cute, IMHO.
to me they seem to be normal but young. i think it may be a gimick to sell fish at inflated prices. i'd would be very wary about buying these fish.
Totally agree, I wouldn't bother with wasting money on something that sounds like a con.
Ah, so I had an e-mail discussion with the seller. Because, yes, I was interested, I love "mini" things. Well it turns out these are not bred to be mini, they are just the runts of her latest spawn, lol.
Runts,totally different from what she is advertising. My hmpk is tiny for her age, I am hoping she picks up a growth spurt but she seems to be stunted so far, no biggy, she is a cutie.

'Runts' wouldn't make good for breeding and you would always run into a size issue if you were to start/add to a sorority.

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