Millions of white dots......can anyone help!!??

The reason I asked about a pond sterilizer is that they are frequently for sale on Ebay at a fraction of the cost of those used for marine tanks and lots of people have them (and could perhaps be persuaded to lend one to the afflicted fish keeper). I've also seen a DIY set-up involving a human sun-lamp (which are often sold very cheap these days, due to fears about skin cancer), a see-through plastic pipe and a pump-head. Basically, what you need to do is slowly pump the water through somewhere with high-intensity UV light and Bob's your uncle - sterile water.

Don't know how you'd practically do this, however.
Mogo, I agree, they are probably more a nuisance than parasitic.

Regarding the water fleas, I just set up another planted 10 gal, still without filter, and used water from my 100 gal with the little white balls. Then I added water fleas to that little tank. Now, after about 8 days, there are more water fleas and less of the little things. Which might or might not be related :rolleyes: I put some fleas into the big tank in a mesh bag, but looking at it... there is no way they would make any dent into that population. Perhaps with a sump...

To me salt is just another chemical that I would like to avoid, plus I don't want to stress my fishies by relocating them etc, nor my plants, not sure how salt tolerant they are, nor the bacteria in the filter...

Since I can't seem to figure out the source of this, I might just have to plunk down the cash for a UV unit. I think you can get them for around $80 here, hopefully the bulbs last for a while, since they are very expensive too. Another possibility would be a filter charged with DE, but that can get pretty messy too... Need to do some more reading and checking out ebay as AA suggested.

Mogo... are you familiar with the Intel Play QX3 microscope? The ability to connect that to a computer attracts me, but I read the optical quality is so/so. I think it is discontinued, but still available for around $50.
Yeah, aquarium pests can be a nuisance. I get an influx of copepods in my nicaraguenses tank, guess the fish are too big and don't snack on them. They come and go. When they are there, I keep them under control by using airline tubing and sucking them off the glass, they like to hang out on the glass near the surface of the water.

If you want to avoid salt, you may want to consider picking a UV up, especially since you can get one for $80 US (that's about $120 CDN). That's alot cheaper than any I've seen around here, they usually go for about $289 CDN :crazy: I think I'll be calling some fish stores in NY, it might be worth the hour and a half drive.

I'd say keep trying the water flea route, sounds like it may be doing the trick, the only problem is how many fleas to add to the big tank. You may end up having a water flea population problem.

I'm not familiar with any of the toy microscopes specifically, but the optical quality on most of them is horrible. I use a lab microscope with a 1000x oil immersion and just the digi cam to take the photos. A lab microscope with a built in picture/video capture will cost you around $6000 CDN, yikes! A little out of my budget right now :lol: I'd suggest if you plan on getting a microscope, save up a little and get a student microscope, these are the ones you used in high school biology. You can a reasonably good one for around 400 or 500$ CDN, most of these have a magnification of 400x or 500x which is more than enough for regular applications.
After doing some reading I decided to get a HOT Magnum filter ($40) and see if the micron cartridge filters out the little thingies. If not, I can charge it with Diatom Earth which should do the trick. This is cheaper than UV and will not alter any water chemistry... will report back in two weeks B)
:fun: Hello, sorry I've been out for a while, I'm having another issue with my son and need to take care of it through visits to the hospital, hopefully he will be well soon and I can get back to my fish!! MOGO, you have been so kind, you are brillant!! I did get the Hydrometer, the same kind you have and the Barb that I wasn't sure of is a CHERRY BARB. I have not had time to figure the exact amount of water in the tank but I will try to get that taken care of this weekend. Honestly, I don't know if I will be able to do the salt solution fix just because, time wise, I don't know if I could keep up with it, with my son being sick, we have to go to a specialist in Ft. Worth and they still do not know what is wrong so we are having to do tests, etc. I think I would really be interested in doing the UV treatment, it sounds easier and not as lengthy on time. I don't care what the cost is, would I get one from the Fish Store? I could order one on line like I did my microscope.
I have not been able to take anymore pics. or even look at them under the microscope, I'm so sorry, you have been such a great help!!! The magnifications on my microscope are 4X, 10X, & 40X... most of the pics. were taken at the 10X magnification. If there is ICH in the tank also, how come it doesn't look like ICH? Is there not enough of it to show now? Goodness..... all my fish are still alive, I have a micron attachment to my canister filter that I used to see if they would filter out into it but it didn't seem to help, maybe I should do it longer than 2 weeks? I really appreciate all your help!!! WASSERPEST, I am so sorry to hear that you still have your little critters!!!! We have such great Forum Friends helping, I think our problem will be resolved soon!!!
I'll try to get back to yal soon,
Hello, sorry I've been out for a while, I'm having another issue with my son and need to take care of it through visits to the hospital, hopefully he will be well soon and I can get back to my fish!!

I'm not a doctor but I've had some medical training and I've done a bit of medical journalism (for lay magazines). If you need to find information drop me a line and I see if I can help - people say I'm a bit of a whizz at finding out that sort of stuff for them. ;)

MOGO, you have been so kind, you are brillant!! I did get the Hydrometer, the same kind you have and the Barb that I wasn't sure of is a CHERRY BARB.

Well that's fine - cherry barbs are fine on their own and are pretty tolerant of water conditions.

I think I would really be interested in doing the UV treatment, it sounds easier and not as lengthy on time. I don't care what the cost is, would I get one from the Fish Store?

Another similar suggestion is an ozone unit. Someone was discussing them on another forum and it looked like a really good, cheap solution. It basically bubbles ozone (which is harmless to fish) through the water and kills viruses, parasites and pathogenic bacteria. It was 30 GBP so I was thinking of getting one.

Good luck with son and fish.
If your microscope isn't working, I highly recommend this one available at Its USB so you hook it right up to your computer, very cool. 200x magnification for $55. Plus, you can further zoom in on the pictures on your computer. This way, you can send a picture of what it is here so people can see this mysterious thing in your water!
Hello Angel Kay,
I hope all your problems are being been resolved, I to was thinking about UV for my small fish pond and came across one which seems to be small enough for a fish tank up to a capacity of 250 UK galls it is the Hozelock Bioforce 1100 UV which retails for about £70 here in the UK ,I sincerely hope every things turns out 'OK' for you
All the Best
Running the filter with the micron cartridge did nothing. Got some diatomacious earth (pool supply store), charged the filter and ... after a few hours I have the clearest water since I filled that tank (makes it look a little shallow) and the number of white critters is going down a considerably. :thumbs:
I will run it overnight, disconnect the filter and see how long it stays clean. The filter will be my backup too, in case something goes wrong with the canister... good value.
Here's my advice....erm.....maybe you should move all the fish to some other tank, dump ALL of the water out of the old tank, then replace it with some other type of water. THEN, you put the fish back in. Or, take the fish out, use hot water, then let it cool down, then put the fish back in.

Are they just and only in your tank? Maybe your whole tap water system may have them....
Here's my advice....erm.....maybe you should move all the fish to some other tank, dump ALL of the water out of the old tank, then replace it with some other type of water. THEN, you put the fish back in. Or, take the fish out, use hot water, then let it cool down, then put the fish back in.

Are they just and only in your tank? Maybe your whole tap water system may have them....
:rolleyes: That's great news Wasserpest!! I'm glad to hear that your critters are gone!! Now... how'd you do exactly what you did?? :crazy: I will check into that plus the Ozone bubbles that Alien Anna suggested, while I am checking into the UV stuff also. In one of my Aquarium magazines, it has a section on UV and what I would need size wise etc. I will get all of my info. together and go the the fish store soon.... I hope!! I will keep ya all posted.
Thanks again!!

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