Fish Fanatic
I bought some gouramis yesterday. One of the Male Dwarf Gouramis has what looks like a spot on one side, about 2 3rds of the way from his head to his tail.
It looks like it could be a small lump. I dont know if it is a bite from something else, a parasite or some kind of infection.
I may just being like an over protective parent, but as he is new I do not know if this was there before or if it is something new.
I have quite a few other fish in the tank, so need to sort it ASAP.
I am at work for another 8 hours, but am planning to take him out of the tank and go to the LFS after work for them to have a look. I will be worrying all day and am frightened my other fish are being put at risk by him being in the tank.
Hopefully someone will be able to advise based on my rather limited description of the symptoms. It could be a bit of food or something stuck to him but it didnt seem to shift and none of the other fish tried eating it.
One of the three spots was being a bully last night, so I wondered if he got nipped.
Please help put my mind at ease or let me know if I have made a mistake.
I bought some gouramis yesterday. One of the Male Dwarf Gouramis has what looks like a spot on one side, about 2 3rds of the way from his head to his tail.
It looks like it could be a small lump. I dont know if it is a bite from something else, a parasite or some kind of infection.
I may just being like an over protective parent, but as he is new I do not know if this was there before or if it is something new.
I have quite a few other fish in the tank, so need to sort it ASAP.
I am at work for another 8 hours, but am planning to take him out of the tank and go to the LFS after work for them to have a look. I will be worrying all day and am frightened my other fish are being put at risk by him being in the tank.
Hopefully someone will be able to advise based on my rather limited description of the symptoms. It could be a bit of food or something stuck to him but it didnt seem to shift and none of the other fish tried eating it.
One of the three spots was being a bully last night, so I wondered if he got nipped.
Please help put my mind at ease or let me know if I have made a mistake.