Are they really only for fry or will grown fish eat them?
Most fish up to 4 inches long will eat them. I used to feed microworms and newly hatched brineshrimp to my adult rainbowfish. It gives the fish something to do, chase small foodAre they really only for fry or will grown fish eat them?
I'm not feeding them to fry. I got mine for my pygmy corys. I never really see them eating the grindal worms that I feed. They love baby brine shrimp though. So I think maybe something smaller will suit them.Are they really only for fry or will grown fish eat them?
@AbbeysDad might know. I'm pretty sure he used yeast in his worm cultures.My microworms have been going well.
Question. When I make my cultures, I rotate between instant mashed potatoes or oatmeal. But either way, I sprinkle dry yeast on top. Has anyone tried nutritional yeast?