

Fish Herder
Feb 19, 2004
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they are sooooooooo easy...

i got some for free....

they are easiest baby fish food in my opinion... bread and yeast is all u need...

i have tons tons tons... and jus started another culture...

they are so easy to do and so much cheaper than all the other options

highly recommend them !

i have some if someone wants me to send to them somehow
Hi iloveyou :)

I'm so glad you got them going! :nod:

They are easy and the tiny fry love them. What do you do with the bread? I have always used oatmeal, but I would give bread a try if I knew how to prepare it for them. :unsure:
I'm curious about the bread too. I also use oatmeal. The little betta fry love them for the first week but after you introduce live baby brine they act like the microworms are punishment :rolleyes:
where can you obtain a starter culture?
Actually at almost 2 weeks, my babies still eat them even though they also get BBS. I usually feed them 2 meals of BBS and 2 meals of MW's a day, my guys and gals eat whatever I put in, Lol.

They are nice and easy to culture and harvest.

Hi Doggfather :)

I got my starter culture from here:


I culture lots of microworms and feed them to my cory fry. They eat them until they are big enough to eat finely chopped live blackworms and even beyond that.

They love them and once you start the culture, it's easy to keep it going and make it bigger. For a small investment (less than $10 with shipping) you can have an ongoing source of protein rich food for your fry.
thanks for the url!

i'll look into buying some
soon im going to be overrun !!

im going to have to have like 5 containers going at once... and i have 0 fry ...


still waitin on more vases so i can condition 5 of the females in a 10 gallon

but tons of microworms for the big fish... they go insane for them...all the fish seem to like them... and its cool to watch them wriggle in the water then get eaten lol
I hear that corys of all sizes LOVE microworms too. Getting food down to the corys has become a major problem in our betta tanks since the bettas eat everything before it hits the bottom--the adolescent bettas will sometimes eat so much a few will die and still no food reaches the corys. Bigger bettas no longer consider microworms food so at least with them the corys can get something daily to eat.
LiquidLife said:
I hear that corys of all sizes LOVE microworms too. Getting food down to the corys has become a major problem in our betta tanks since the bettas eat everything before it hits the bottom--the adolescent bettas will sometimes eat so much a few will die and still no food reaches the corys. Bigger bettas no longer consider microworms food so at least with them the corys can get something daily to eat.
Hi LiquidLife :)

Please don't think that microworms are an adequate diet for adult corys; they are not. :no:

Corys are substantial fish who require a balanced diet heavy on meaty foods like blackworms. They should also be fed a pellet or granular sinking food and algae wafers or spirulina discs.

It would take an awful lot of these tiny creatures to make a meal for even one adult cory. If they are not eating other food in addition, they could well be starving. :eek:
the worms are quite small... my adult fish go nuts for em, but it isnt all i personally feed them.. they also get tubifex worms, flakes, and freeze dried brine shrimp.. the guppies would have eaten them all b4 they would have got to the cories.. i dont want to risk overfeeding to get them to the cories... that will jus get my guppies sick... my convict fry are growin quite a bit and i will soon need to get rid of them somehow lol... i wish i had betta fry to feed them to but o well.. the adult convicts attacked the spoon when i put it in the tank to let some of the microworms into the water for the babies, then they ate all the microworms lol.. they are pretty cool, but stinky and creepy looking... hehe

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