Microrasbora Sp. Galaxy

The lfs I'm doing work experience at has them for £3 each, just got them in on Friday. Shame i dont have anywhere to put them right now, though at least i know that they can order some in for me when i get my aquacube.
The were pretty colourful despite still being in the bag and all stressed out, so they must be stunning when settled in :drool: .
Trimar are advertising them now - I think they're about £3.50 each...

These pretty fishes are selling for about £1 each in Singapore....got 8 of them last week. Based on my observation, they are timid and shy fishes as they always like to hide within the plants and will only come out to get a qiuck bite during feeding time. ;)
I have seen these fish at a local decent lfs today for the first time. I did not realise they were so small. They were apparently part of the first delivery into the UK. They were selling for 6.95 pounds each, which would be 69.50 for ten. Beautifull but expensive considering size.

You would need quite a few for a decent shoal too!!

EDIT The shop is reasonable for all other fish so I was quite surprised at the price.
I am new to this forum, found it accidently while trying to find info on the galaxy rasbora. I bought 4 of these from wyevale garden centre, Chartham nr Canterbury a couple of days ago. They have quite a few which they have had in just over a month, selling at £20 per 4. They appear very healthy and have settled quickly in my tank containing threadfin rainbow fish, hatchets, rummy nose tetras, marginatus pencil fish,a couple of cory and amano shrimps.All my tank inmates are very peaceful and havn't given the galaxys any hassle so if they settle well I will definately save up for some more, they seem to have coloured up very quickly, with the 2 males displaying well and I imagine a shoal would look stunning
These are beautiful fish,my local fish store was selling them for £5.95,
I was tempted to buy them but I think I'll wait for the price to go down.

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