Microglanis Iheringi. What A Coo!


New Member
Oct 19, 2010
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Hi all, new here but I have something to tell which I think is pretty neat.

I bought five SA Bumblebee Cats about 12 months ago to live in my 4' community. They have lived quite nicely alongside my three Platydoras Armatulus, Clown Plec, Juvenile L001 Red Plec, two Banjo Cats, a dozen or so Corys and my two pairs of P82 Killifish.

I decided to sell my Clown Plec and Killifish last week having been amde an offer I couldn't refuse so I decided to take the opportunity to have a re-scape. I caught eveyone easily enough and put them into the 'holiday' tank whilst I was playing with their sand, gravel and ornaments.

It wasn't until I was putting them all back that I noticed I don't have five Bumblebees but I now have six :hyper: The sixth one is just under half the size of the rest and one of the larger five is looking quite plump. Maybe I'll have seven or eight soon? :fun:

I don't know what I've done to induce breeding, I've pretty much left the tank to itself apart from a 20% water change every month or so. It has been running without any diseases or problems for over two years now. The tank itself benefits from a Fluval 305, an Eheim 2213 and a Superfish Pro 1SP so I don't believe that weekly water changes are necessary. It is quite heavily planted at the lower levels (until the Armatulus dig them up anyway) with a substrate of 70% sand and 30% gravel mixed.

Every source I have come across on the net says that these are difficult to breed, almost impossible in the home aquarium, so I'm feeling quite proud at the moment :D

I'll try and get some pictures when they next show themselves at feeding time.

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