Micro Crabs

Yes, I'll be picking up 12 tomorrow. Expect pictures, but none as good as yours of course. :lol: I need a better camera to do that.

I wonder if they really are snail eaters. Probably can't touch trumpets or anything else with an operculum, so it may just be pond and ramshorn snails on the menu then.
I wouldn't be surprised if the crabs ate small MTS, my damn macros have decimated my MTS population after getting rid of all my lovely red and leopard ramshorms, and the crabs seem to have very small but strong claws - where there's a will, there's a way :D.
Not certain that they eat snails but this one was very interested in the snail.

Aaron this pic gives a better idea of scale with the tiger. BTW the snail is a brotia armata.

they are actually awesome! Thanks for the picture.
I will have to see if my LFS can buy some in. How much were they if you dont mind me asking?

And i am presuming they are safe with all forms of fauna?

Aaron, they were £3.25 each or if you buy five you get one free. That was Aquatic Design Centre in central London. I cannot see them being a threat to anything maybe fish eggs but that is about it.
Aaron, they were £3.25 each or if you buy five you get one free. That was Aquatic Design Centre in central London. I cannot see them being a threat to anything maybe fish eggs but that is about it.

cool, thanks for the info :good:

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